I am CM the owner of CM Games. Hi ^^
A story that will surely touch your soul.




Ah, dreadfully sorry that we don't check back here very often! Regardless, we value your feedback, whether to help us improve the game, or just to help encourage us. Thanks for everything guys! :)

Please make more games like this or similar to this! I'll support you all the way. :) CM


what tilesets are you using? CM.
I think they are original tilesets

Oh and why is that clown in his underwear?

ahaha..that's a style :D


what tilesets are you using? CM.


Good to hear.

You might want to replace the old screenshots with the new ones in that case to show the most updated version of your game.

Also, I would personally recommend replacing the RPG Maker edited main character with something more thorough like the rabbits in your other screenshot. Right now it clashes with the rest of the art (not homogeneous) (pixel art vs the rest which isn't). Judging from the art of the rabbits, you could do a lot better for the main character sprite. At the moment it's a bit of a let down considering it's the main character... :(.

I'll wait to comment on the most recent screenshots about the blur. At the moment I feel like it's heavy handed and not managed properly across the various elements (background vs foreground).

If you can replace the main character and tidy up the blur effects, it would give much more finished look.

thank you for all of your feed backs. It will help me to see things differently from other people's perspective. I will but for now I need to fix my laptop first which is the main resource of my gaming development. Thank you again sir and I hope you will still here once I release DUST. CM.


what does DUST. CM. mean? I see it in your posts a lot.

He probably means something like ''DUST team, Cmgamesph'' or ''Dust by cmgamesph'' I think. Altough if that's the case it does seem a little unnecessary.

DUST is a game I am currently developing. CM Games is my game company. CM is the initials of my name. Thanks for visiting. CM.

Designing Art for Videogames

Thank You. This is what I needed now. CM.

Puzzle Design: How to Make Them Fun and Addicting

Thanks for this. Needed this one on my game. CM.

Using Key Items to Trigger Events

do you have any script were you can combine 2 items? CM.

Pom Gets Wi-Fi

HELLariouzzz haha.. I enjoyed this game sooo much. This is the most funniesssshhh game I've played so far. Haha..the two "Dogteams" and the main dogtagonist is FUNNIER than Mr. Bean! hahaha for that...RAFF RAFF RAFF! that means AWESOME. -> Overacting comment by CM. xD 1/10! hahahaha


I like the tilesets you're using. Can you share it with me. ^^ CM.
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