Stop forgetting you were young once.




Honestly, other than veggie's abrupt appearance, there hasn't been anything to support or contradict the accusations, so I did some brief searching to see if I could find any original posts by the dev team to substantiate it.

It's like walking through the woods after a brush fire went through.

No signs of the original cause, just lots of charred scenery.

@devs, I super understand if you don't want to step into all this animosity, but can you confirm or deny anything?

Your game looks cool, and I don't want to judge anyone prematurely. On the other hand, my friends are people. I have an ethical burden to try and not buy from folks who think they aren't.


Also, Punkitt, there are better ways to deal with bigotry than this. It's a very internet solution to create a post and wait for the mob to come. You don't want to be an informer and you would deal with the problem differently irl. First, I would try to talk about the author with it directly and try to make them a statement. This only makes them grow "thick skin" and be even less open to changing their mind. Only If they don't listen I probably would make a thread about it.

I dunno if "hey, here is behavior I witnessed" deserves to be called mob justice. I'm also real skeptical that approaching the author directly is always the best first route. I think it's worth doing if you believe there's any real chance of changing an opinion and that it's worth the "I'm going to go talk to a person who's then going to tell me that either me or my friends aren't real people" cost. Otherwise I don't see any obligation to do it.

If it's your friend that's being a shitty person, sometimes you can get through to them.

And if someone's being a shitty person but you think they're doing it by accident, same thing. Talking to them in as nonconfrontational a manner works.

Otherwise, as long as everyone's acting in good faith, I really can't see a problem with calling someone out.


"Wow, this game page is really blowing up---oh."

Pretty sure veggie's trying to prod people into booting him in order to confirm his viewpoint that PeOpLe JuSt CaN'T hAnDlE FrEe SpEeCh

Skydancer - Completely Custom JRPG ENG

@uran, I'd be happy to test the game. Just let me know.


This one should probably be "Sickle", unless Sicle is just its name. I really like the inclusion of more human-looking enemies, though. They'll really make the more monstrous ones stand out.

Calabozo: Labyrinth of the Damned

This looks amazing. Lemme know if you need playtesters.

Fear & Hunger 2: Termina

It's definitely perfect for the game. I'm just kind of surprised the timeline syncs up with our earth. The first game felt very much like it took place in its own setting, and I'm kind of curious to see whether Termina keeps to that. 1942 in a world that only sort of mirrors our own would be really interesting.

Fear & Hunger 2: Termina


I did not know how badly Fear & Hunger needed a 1942 backdrop until this existed.

Thank you for making this!


Records in Blue

This looks amazing.

Let me know if you need testers.

Set Discrepancy

That is some bold Hack 'n' Slash style design.

I look forward to bricking my actual real computer by failing with it. :D