
M.O.G. "My Own Game" Multipart Event - Game Creation

In this event we will attempt create a game using resources generated during the previous MOG events.

The intent is to get people out of their comfort zones and attempt the different aspects of game creation. The M.O.G. initiative be a 3-part event, with each event focusing on a different aspect - soundtrack, graphics, and game creation. This event will focus on the GAME. The graphics event focused on tilesets, charsets, and battlers and the like, and the music event focused on soundtracks and sound effects. This is the final event of the MOG creation series, wherein we create a game but only using resources created in the previous two events (+ general public resources or resources you create yourself or RTP, to fill gaps)!

This is a pretty ambitious undertaking, but it sounds pretty satisfying, too!

The MOG Music and MOG Graphics events are still running, but they wrap up later this month, so if you have any special requests or gaps that need filling, now is the time to ask! Or encourage people there who have started something to finish their work. (Knowing that someone wants to use your stuff is great motivation).

If you use resources by someone else in the MOG Graphics and/or Music events, please include them in your gameprofile's 'Developers' as Other (and specify what you used)

Like, if you used Ratty524's awesome battlers, do:

Other (Battlers) - Ratty524

The bonus makerscore for resource creators is part of the event, so if you would be so kind as to included them in your gameprofile, it would be much appreciated!

This event is asking you to make a game, or make a demo/prototype. As such, you will need to have a gameprofile accepted by RMN (and subject to RMN's submission rules), to participate. Once ready, you will have to submit your game's download to this event (using the Submit button in the upper right). Multiple games are welcome (if you are so inclined)!


We are doing this for the betterment of our game development skills. Familiarization with other aspects of game development, even if we never develop the expertise to be proficient in it, is still very valuable. That being said, I will be giving out achievements for:

-Full game
-Demo/Prototype game
-A gameprofile will good mapping examples

By that last one, what I mean is you've started work on a game using the MOG resources, but didn't generate anything playable yet.

Works submitted to this event are expected to be free to play.

While the event is very RPG-centric (hey, we are RPG Maker Network afterall!), feel free to create a game for any genre of your choice.

It is my sincere hope that those of us here who are energetic game developers might share with us their expertise and learning. Either by helping out individuals in the comments section, offering advice, or posting links to useful resources, or even as far as writing tutorials of their own.

Members who take it upon themselves to be super-helpful in this event will receive a special achievement!


  • 11/06/2014 12:00 AM
  • 01/01/2015 11:59 PM
  • Any
  • kentona



You must be logged in to sign up for M.O.G. Creation.

Teams Members Entry
Accelerated World
No promises. Only hopes and dreams. :D
Got too crazy. Still, Nobody joined me.
Save the Elemelons, Save the World
I'm not even done the projects that was already finished and worked on the last month
I'm so not likely to submit anything.
Hark! It's a sassy Lark!
landas1's Team
Epic Guys
the realm of darthon
LudwigKrauser's Team
Claws and Effect
Broken Goddess Complex
Egg Team
The Zombi3's


but the thing is
you have a huge galore of resources made by us
the rest of rmn
at your disposal for this event


And you should use it!
Let's see! This is an awesome event COME ON GUYS

It's a shame that you won't participate @Unity, but good luck with your projects.
I guess I'll have to try and hype things up? I personally and honestly don't know where to start with my own project hahahahahahaha >.<
I think the problem is that it's really hard for people who didn't already start making resources to whip up a custom tileset, compose some music, and design a game with those resources in 7 weeks. Unless they literally weren't planning on doing anything else :P. So at this point us drifters and lurkers are effectively out of the game. Hmmmm... I guess I could draw upon all of my barely existent musical talent from middle school band (I HAD A SOLO OK) and throw together a short RTP game with catchy beats or something :/.

You are expected to use resources created during the previous MOG events. They don't have to be your own.

On that note, there was a request to extend the Graphics event to the end of the month. As such, I will extend this one to New Years, too.
Let my graphics not be created in vain.
I'd even add some stuff. If I'm bored.
On that note, there was a request to extend the Graphics event to the end of the month. As such, I will extend this one to New Years, too.

Oh that's awesome! :D Now I won't have to wory about juggling this contest with exam season. Thanks a bunch!
My Own Game: Forever
Just like real game development!
I will be finished in the year.. uh 20XX. Might need another X.
Might as well participate since it's a pretty cool idea for an event.

Besides making text for the title/gameover screen and some scripts, everything else is going to be made from what I find in the other two MOG events. Luckily there's enough sound effects to make the sound portion feasible.

Might make my own HUD and font too, but it's all M.O.G. from there; part of the fun making it a challenge like that.
Because of the extra time given, I'll have RPG 20XX in a state where it could make an interesting game when I finish my MOG:G submission, although the default battle system won't be in yet. It's highly experimental and will probably melt, but I still invite you (whoever reading this who hasn't signed up yet or doesn't know what they want to do) to make a demo with it.
My laptop is kinda flipping out lately. :s This might impact my possible work.
My idea for a game:

There is only a single dungeon, which is a crypt with zombies and other undead monsters (kinda cliché, but whatever).

Each of the floors contains one puzzle, as well as one battle. The battles are based around picking the right equipment for your party and figuring out the monsters' attack patterns.

You start with all equipment available, and there is no levelling up. Of course, each piece of equipment has a much more drastic effect than just stat buffs. For example, the fighter can choose between a shield that heals the entire party when he defends, attracts enemy attacks, or makes him counter-attack. Available spells are also dependent on equipment.
Still waiting on the (really awesome looking) graphics event to end so I can really start messing around in-engine.

I've gotten my 4-member party's skills written down and they seem relatively balanced out (although I'm a little concerned with the mage not having any healing option at all, whereas everyone else has one).

I actually think I've given every party member a reason to tank hits. One can negate magic, one buffs his attack whenever he's attacked, one can intercept damage from allies in exchange for slowly draining their health, and one can evade and counter pretty well with a skill. I think this will work out well enough. :D

Assuming things aren't totally insane with school in the coming days, I'll probably start working on making the battle engine a reality.

Once the graphics are done and I can determine how much time I'll need to take for each dungeon, I'll decide if I need 3 or 4 of them.
I forgot to mention this at the start, but...

If you use resources by someone else in the MOG Graphics and/or Music events, please include them in your gameprofile's 'Developers' as Other (and specify what you used)

Like, if you used Ratty524's awesome battlers, do:

Other (Battlers) - Ratty524

The bonus makerscore for resource creators is part of the event, so if you would be so kind as to included them in your gameprofile, it would be much appreciated!
I like how the final in the class (I help grade for) was a month-or-so long game mak event.
Hm i Wonder if i can pul somethi goff here/
Which reminds me, i think have a legacy pack of sound effects somewhere. I know they were used at least once, IN Santoo Rinba, but Am not sure about the rest. I'm not sur eif i cna get a game started at this late date, but we'll seee. also If anyone needs a teamamate we should talk.
The 524 is for 524 Stone Crabs
So what progress have you guys made on your games? I'm sort of cramming on mine since I'm not going to have access to my computer starting the 17th. Fortunately, I'm making a (relatively) simple puzzle game as my submission.

Here is a preview:

The whole objective is to get the keys to unlock the door for each room, and there are several obstacles and challenges you need to solve in order to get them all. The UI isn't done, but one thing you'll see is a counter that shows how many wand shots you have (which allows you to transform enemies like those shown into pushable blocks) and the key for the suicide button, in case you mess up.

Being an Eggerland-inspired game, there are indeed Medusa statues.

Show us all your stuff!
I am still finishing up my graphics resources, so all I have for my game is a rough outline. I don't even have my usual skills/classes/characters/quests brainstormed yet (like I usually do)
I haven't even started on my game yet. ><

I need a simple plot revolving around a sci-fi setting first. Easiest one that springs to mind is sorta like the beginning of Phantasy Star II: Agent gets called in to investigate a strange occurrence at a bio-lab and boom! Shocking discovery. Should be able to fit in something like that within an hour-long time frame.
I've got my game started, but out of the 8 scenes in the game, I'm only at the end of scene 1. (The battle with Doubt)

If you're interested in looking at it, (assuming you haven't seen it already) here's a link
The 524 is for 524 Stone Crabs
Neat stuff you got there, Kel! I'm glad I wasn't the only one captivated by Joseph's graphics. :P