
The TM is for Totally Magical.
Daisies are lucky if they reach a foot tall. What is this? Cover for ants?
Not daisies xD
Daises. They're like small, raised podia for things or people to stand on. Anyway, I just read back and saw that they're about 2 and a half feet tall... Not quite the cover size I'd hoped for, but it might help in a dire situation.
The TM is for Totally Magical.
Umm, no. They really can't. I live in the American Midwest. Daisies everywhere. Trust me, unless you really are an ant, these will not hide you. Imagine hiding by holding a Pez dispenser in front of your face.

EDIT: However, they are edible and extremely healthy. Little girls also like to tie the stems together and make necklaces and circlets out of them.
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
You're the ones with ranged weapons, firing at wild animals that are charging at you. You don't need cover. You need vantage. Get to where you can fire down the hallway.
I would have more makerscore If I did things.
In case anyone is confused, Diases is apparently spelled wrong (red underline) and I forgot that daises were another thing entirely. Either way, they are two and a half feet tall and are like steps or platforms, made completely of stone, usually. You can't really tell tho cuz it's covered in sticky webbing.

-----Turn 9-----
Adira and Sophie, surprised by the shriek, ready their weapons and face the doorway they came from. Reistpay quickly moves further into the room, climbs up the steps and positions himself behind the party and the cube. Reistpay begins to analyze the cube 19, and realizes just how similar and far more potent it is than the runed stone that expanded his magic power. He continues to study it, as he knows there is much more to it.
Ratfest turns towards the sound as well, attaching his meat-hook to the chain he carries wrapped around his belt. He begins to back up a little as he advises the party that they should take higher ground, specifically those who have ranged weapons.
Feng'gar opts to remain by the doorway, and watches and listens carefully 11 He can barely here what sounds like insectoid legs scratch against rocks, the sound of mandible clacking together, and a body being dragged. After no more sounds can be heard, he looks around the room 13 to look for any potential advantages or disadvantages. Other than the sticky webbing covering the floor, he notices nothing more that could hamper them. Curiously, he notices, for the first time, a slight draft coming from above the entrance.

----Party Status-----
Ratfest: Torso: Moderate Injury(Bandaged)
Right Arm: Moderate Injury
1/2 Spells Per Day
Holding a Burning Torch
Pet Rat
Bag: 3*Bandages, 20 Meter Chain, Mysterious Black Gem
Adira: No Injury
Ring of +1 Defense (+1 vs injury rolls)
Bag:Potion of Healing, 2*Speed Oil, Ranger's Journal
Sophie: Head: Minor Injury
Bag:2*Rationa, Mini-Potion of Healing, Weighted Coin
Feng'gar: No Injury
Bag:2*Rations, Potion of Healing, True-Shot Potion, Beginners Guide to Herbology, 5*Ceruleo-Byro.
Reistpay: No Injury
4/6 Spells Per Day
Bag:Potion of Healing, Potion of Defense, 2*Potion of Mind, Book of Scriptures
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
Seiromem, my character's right-handed. Also, I'll PM you what the mysterious black gem is, in case you want to know. Also, much more importantly, did something happen to my pet rat?


I notice Feng'gar's tension ease as he stops listening. "I take it our stalker has moved on? Perhaps it's filled its stomach on orc and will leave us be," I suggest hopefully.

My attention turns to the other two doors in this room. They're covered in thick webbing that's dripping with some kind of liquid. Probably not something I want to touch with my hands. "Can you discern whether it went left or right? These doors are likely to connect to the side antechambers we ignored when we first arrived. I can cut through this webbing easily enough, but it's what's on the other side that concerns me."
I would have more makerscore If I did things.
Seiromem, my character's right-handed. Also, I'll PM you what the mysterious black gem is, in case you want to know. Also, much more importantly, did something happen to my pet rat?

Edited the post to fix these concerns!
No, they are called daises, and they have absolutely nothing to do with daisies. Diases aren't even a thing as far as I know.

I turn to Ratfest.
"I faintly heard what I can only assume to be the sound of a gigantic spider dragging our unfortunate orc friend along with it for a short while before it died down. I'm afraid the sounds were too faint for me to determine in which direction it went."
"Even though it may have gone somewhere else, I don't feel at ease here. Spiders tend to return to store and eat their prey in their webs, so it might be possible that either there are more of these creatures down here or it was distracted by something else on its way here..."
The TM is for Totally Magical.
"I come from a place where spiders are welcomed by my people. Consequently, I despise them. Trust me, if there is good enough hunting for one to set up its web, there will be many more."
Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays. A game of betrayal, where the most suspicious person is brutally murdered? How savage.
Well, seems my action's been decided already.

I continue to study the cube.
I lost my arms in a tragic chibi accident
"I vote we stay here and kill em all! Killy killy kill, all day long!"
I would have more makerscore If I did things.
Well, seems my action's been decided already.

No it hasn't

Anytime I say it will take another turn to do something doesn't mean you HAVE to spend that turn doing that thing. You can always stop and try to do something else, always.
Key word being try. If you're falling down a pit, you can't just stop falling cuz you don't want to =P
Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays. A game of betrayal, where the most suspicious person is brutally murdered? How savage.
Oh, well I'll still study the cube regardless. Thanks for clearing that up.
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
"Well, I certainly don't want to stay here. I know I must sound like an echo, but put that cube in a bag and study it on the way."

I use my meathook to carefully cut through the webbing that's covering both of the side doors. It would be faster to burn it off Zelda-style, but it's also covering the floor, and the likelihood of successfully convincing everyone to actually step out of the room for a minute seems almost zero. Reistplay seems to pretend his ears are stopped up every time I speak, and Sophie is as likely to pounce on a fire as to remove herself from it.

After cutting through the webbing, I carefully open the left door a few inches and peer through it.
Wait... Wasn't there only one other door, which was completely frozen over?
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
Seiromem's post describing this room.
At the top, there is an ancient altar with a light-blue cube covered in markings floating above it. The ceiling appears to go up very high, as the torchlight does not touch it. There are two other doors flanking the chamber, each with a thick, blue web, seemingly dripping with a viscous green liquid, covering the floor near them. Ratfest realizes Most of the chamber is covered in these webs, though not as thickly as in the other doorways.
The frozen door at the north end of this room seems to be a third door, in addition to the first two I saw.

Also, if the "back" of the room behind the altar is north, then I just realized I can use more precise language about which door to open. I'm opening the west door.
The TM is for Totally Magical.

Wait, I know what I can do.

Get on the dias for a better vantage.
I lost my arms in a tragic chibi accident
Seiro, in case you're waiting for everyone to make their turns, I can't think of anything to do until there's a monster here, or Ratfest manages to get a door open, so I'm just waiting until I have a clear course of action.
(this then got edited out, orz)
Exactly this, I guess I just stay in an attack pose?
I would have more makerscore If I did things.
I will forever and always wait for everyone to make at least one bolded action
I don't care if it seems like there's only one thing you can do, you are in control of your character. I will never assume I know what you want to do.
"Hey Ratfest, could I borrow your torch for a moment? I think I just noticed something, but I need some more light to investigate it."