
NOTE: THIS TOPIC IS OLD AND OUTDATED (just like these games ;))

GO HERE for the latest one

The purpose of this topic

It is obvious that RMN is now the biggest database for games made in RPG Maker, but since everything is user generated, there are obviously some games that do not make it on here. Once in awhile a famous RM game is mentioned in several discussions, someone might seach it out of curiosity only to be dissapointed that it's not on RMN. Perhaps you find a game on RMN, but the download link is broken? Trying to remember a game, but can't quite remember the title? This topic is for all of that. Feel free to even reminisce about the old RM games, just try not to go way off track. Anyway I hope this topic benefits people.

Requesting and you!

Before requesting a rare game or broken link, make sure it is listed somewhere (ctrl F is your friend) and check the sites. As for requesting a game for the title you can't remember, please explain in detail as much as possible and try to remember anything that sets it apart from other games.

Regarding broken links

Sadly, not enough people take advantage of RMN's hosting and decide to use rapidshit or something. These temporary upload sites delete their files from time to time due to inactiveness. If you notice a broken link on RMN (or even on this topic), try googling the game first, if you find the download for it, simply post a comment on said game with the link. If you do not however, simply request it here. Broken links on the this will be striked out, but even if one is, there's a good chance someone might have it lying on their hard drive.

What you can do to help, and hosting

Some of you may have collected a lot of RM games over time making this topic perfect for you to contribute. It is not advisable to use free upload sites. While they are useful, I want to be able to make a reliable archive to stand the test of time. So if you have a host that would be cool. If the game you are uploading is very small in size, I suggest using RMN's handy locker feature. If you really are desperate and want to do a quick upload, please use anything but rapidshare (megaupload and mediafire is ok).

If you have some hosting and want to host some big games feel free to help out, just make sure you warn us that you're unable to host anymore for whatever reason. Also, if you know the person who made the game that's not on RMN, persuade him/her to put it on RMN!

Game Site List
Check out these sites before requesting a game.

iisheron's website
Creator of TTHW was kind enough to host a historical archive of old rm2k/3 games

rpgmaker france

An oldschool site that hasn't had much activity. Contains many noteworthy games such as Velsabor and Kindred Saga Note: has been taken down, someone has archived the games from the site though.

NOTE: MegaUpload has been taken down by TEAM AMERICA, so the list has been greatly reduced. SegNin however has everything that was ever on the list so don't be afraid to ask for it back.

The Big List
ABSProj by AzureFenrir (ABS Spell Demo, from an old GamingW tutorial)
Abstract Paroxysm
A-CBS Deluxe by Lachsen (English version of Action CBS Demo)
Acetonic Mushrooms Forever by eNSO
Aftermath (v.0.5)
Andredane Demo
Battle for Genesis Demo V1.0 by Kirbmaster & Jade
Blobagotchi Advanced by Carius
Blue Gaia - The Demon & The Spyglass
C'est Lavie! by AdmiralStyles
The Chain Game 2 by Gaming World
Chartley Forest Map by Chartley
Chimera Report (2007 Remake)
Chronicles of Haledos
Chrono Crisis
Chrono Trigger: Zeanon Defense
Chrono Trigger (parody) by Ratty524
Clouded Heart v3 by Ozma Omega
Curse of Silence
Dark Skies - The Heritage (v2)
Decayed Forest by Neophyte
Desert Island v1.3 by manafreak
Devil Hunter Seeker of Power
Dragon Heart Chapter 3 (The old, radically different version of Starless Umbra)
Empathie Demo Day III by Potty Ninja
Enter the Cave
Elephant Memorial by King of Games
Exit Fate and Last Scenario
Fantasy Battle
Fate of an Angel by ADT
Fighter 1 - Witch's Key
Final Fantasy 0
Final Fantasy VII The Dark Cloud 2.0 RPG by Denis Murphy
Final Fantasy Crystal Wings
Final Fantasy: Four Soul Saga (Final Fantasy I-2) by Craze
Final Fantasy High
FF7 - Omega Vangelis (v.2)
RM2kLibrary - A Final Hope by DarkPriest
Final Finale XVII Demo
Forgotten Origins DBS
Gaia's Destiny A New Threat
Gates of Evocation by Malad & Cheshire Cat
Gens 2(The Genesis Project Sequel, Great Game)
Gondu' Forest by Xeno-soft
GW Map Competition Entry by JPC (this later became Eldritch, I believe)

Harry - Demo Day by Cheshire Cat
Haze, Daze, Curiousness by JPC
Heart of Evil
Heart of Evil (v2)
Heroine Iysayana
Horizons Meyaha by Nsm
Improbable Passage
Infinite Crusade
Kinetic Cipher by Brickroad (2000 version, not 2003)
Kobra's Realm/Crossed Realmz 2
The Legend of the Philosophers Stone
Legion Saga
Legion Saga II
Legion Saga III
Loque City by Loque (for GW Breach contest)
Lunatic Gaming Chaingame
Lunar Eve
Metal Tears Battle Demo by Meiscool
Moonlite Shadows Beta (v0.15)
Neophyte's Map Entry by Neophyte
Nightmare in Flames Preview by AznChipmunk
Notes on the Second Mellynd War (v2.0)
Omega Cerberus (French)
Pangaea Chronicles (All 3)
Path To Oblivion 2
Pillar Town by Teo Mathlein
Potty Wars/Potty Quest 2002 by Jake Productions
Power Trip by Solosoft
Rainbow Nightmare Prologue
Razorblade Symphony Demo v1.1 by Grimlock
Reality Breakdown
Reality Breakdown - Malon's Empire
Reverence by Orig
Ridiculous (by ktac)
Ryuukishi No Me II
SEIKEN by FairyFish
Shades - Chapter 0 - Grey
Shattered Samurai
Shattered Samurai - Special Edition by ArCsLnGa StUdIOs
Super Smash Bros RPG v1.2 by Kirbmaster & Jade
Surge by Blitzen (for GW Breach contest)
Sprite Chaser 2 by David Miles Carter
Take Down : Lambs of Destiny
Tau RMN Mapping Entry by Tau
Taut (English)
Technomancy by Hypotosis
The Genesis Project Imperfection
The Last of the Fere'k
The Most Stupidest Game Ever Re-Duh
The Quest of Dude
The Tower
Time Guardians
Threads of Destiny
Umbriel Forest by JPC
Whack-A-Food by Doppleganger
what lies beyond that swamp by Chesire Cat
Whispered Cries
Worldsong by Craze

bold is just uploaded by azn
is it too late for ironhide facepalm
I have a ton of old stuff, mostly from super old sites like the RPG Wolfpack. I'll upload a few later, and I'll just edit this post when I do.
I don't have anything super super old or legendary. Methinks it's time to start collecting and playing these things once they come around.
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
Does anybody have a game called Unknown Destiny? I made it years ago and it was pretty cool but I can't find it. I'd like to reupload it.

Quick mental F5: a woman with an axe and green hair runs off from her husband to go save the princess because she's been manipulated by the king. She runs into a cloaked man named Kaleb that travels with her and they climb a forest tower to get to the princess. You gained stat+ items as progression, there were lots of optional non-linear areas to explore, it used a lot of REFMAP and the RPGMaker 3 tiles. Ring a bell?
Yellow Magic
Could I BE any more Chandler Bing from Friends (TM)?
I wouldn't regard Devil Hunter: Seeker of Power as obscure. It used to be really popular on GW a few years ago.

Crystal Clear 2 on the other hand didn't get as much praise as it'd deserved. Playing the anti-hero in a 2k game of all things was a treat and a half. Too bad the horrific usage of grammar/spelling would make Garde Astale seem like a born-and-bred New Yorker or something (no offense to him as English isn't his first language)

I'm sure someone must remember the game, the main character had the same face sprite as Vance from TTHW.
*click to edit*
Here's what I have that isn't on RMN, just a few games really. If anyone wants any of these uploaded, let me know.

A Gate Into Eternity (2. demo, with old CBS)
A Gate Into Eternity (4. demo, with new CBS; the last one released I believe)
Abstract Paroxysm
Alter AILA Variant
Aurora's Tear (old German demo, new German demo with CBS, and RPGAdvocate's translation of the old demo)
Balmung Chronicle Code-off demo
Balmung Chronicle
Between Two Worlds (Legion's game)
Chimera Report (the original)
Eldritch (both demos)
Eternal Souls CBS demo
Fenrir's Sonata
Finding Forever Eden 4.0 and 9.0
Fragments of a Dream CBS demo
Kindred Saga
Lightprism (both versions)
MUGEN Legends
Peuteris Grey
Phylomortis 2
Rainbow Nightmare (2 versions?)
Ryuukishi no Me 2
Tyrant God Saga: Altered Perception
Wilfred the Hero DBS Contest version

Tyrant God Saga: Evening Synthesis (was there really another TGS game?)
Yellow Magic
Could I BE any more Chandler Bing from Friends (TM)?
Chimera Report (the original)

Yes please
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
Between Two Worlds is pretty cool. Upload, please!
RMN sex symbol
I'd be willing to check in on this topic if someone requests anything. I do the same thing in the Rare Games topic at GW.. Oh and I would list my games but I really can't be bothered typing all that.
Tau all the links in that site are broken, this is why I'm taking a huge step in terms of preservation of game downloads.
Neither Devil Hunter or Retsu Arashi Psychic Storm are "obscure," and I think Rue took down all downloads of Zephyrus for a reason...
I'm looking for a game but I don't know the title of it!

It was on RM2K. It starts out with you and another man and women searching for some kids lost in a cave. You find them but then you are attacked by monsters and the man and woman with you are killed. Most of the gameplay at the start is wandering around the village a total mess while everyone in town (especially the mayor) hates your guts. Facesets were custom (looked pretty lame, like made in MSpaint or something), the world map had a minimap, the graphics were RTP and REFMAP; the main character had blond hair and I found it on Phanxgames well over a year ago. That's all I remember. Hope someone can help me, been looking for a long time.

Hope you keep this updated brah. Good work.
Empire of the Stars

I'm pretty sure that's what it's called, but I'm not finding out any downloads of it, or any information as a matter of fact. Apparently, Mr. Nemo gave me the title as a recommendation for inspiration for the first game idea that I posted, but I don't know where to look for it. It must be obscure, because I can't find anything on it, even in here.
Here's what I have that isn't on RMN, just a few games really. If anyone wants any of
Tyrant God Saga: Evening Synthesis (was there really another TGS game?)

There was also Tyrant God Saga: Automaton Terminus, though that was just a battle system. I'd upload it if I still had it ...

I'll take Peuteris Gray, Ryuukishi no Me 2, and the original, non pubic hair Chimera Report.
Neither Devil Hunter or Retsu Arashi Psychic Storm are "obscure," and I think Rue took down all downloads of Zephyrus for a reason...

Fuck it I'm just making one list. As for Zephyrus, idk man, I knew some people who really wanted to play it, its a decent game.
If you give me a name, I can try to find the game, but yeah, I can't be bothered to upload a list. I have quite a lot... but just need names and some time for me to upload it.
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
Neither Devil Hunter or Retsu Arashi Psychic Storm are "obscure," and I think Rue took down all downloads of Zephyrus for a reason...
Fuck it I'm just making one list. As for Zephyrus, idk man, I knew some people who really wanted to play it, its an incredible game.

Here's what I have that isn't on RMN, just a few games really. If anyone wants any of these uploaded, let me know.

Finding Forever Eden 4.0 and 9.0
What is the difference between these two? IIRC, Rowen made a (very) few changes.

Rainbow Nightmare (2 versions?)
Again, what is different with them.

Wilfred the Hero DBS Contest version
Now I'm really curious about this. Is it more or less complete than the original?
*click to edit*
FFE 4 is a longer demo with some cutscenes and a real map; FFE 9 is just one battle, a different one of course, and I believe the mechanics are changed.

RN Prologue is Granin's story ONLY (inflitrating a robot base), and RN New is longer, has new maps and stars Wolfie.

WtH DBS contest version is exactly what it says on the tin - the oldest version with a DBS instead of the CBS. It's shorter, has different mechanics and no intro, but graphics are the same.

OK, guys, I'm uploading the 4 games you requested.
Does anybody know where you can find an RPG called the Simians? It was about a mage and his friend who accidentally got turned into a zombie. I read about it in this review.