Title Source Info
NPC Patrol
This is a script that returns an old, but useful, function of RPG Maker 2003.
09/01/2013 04:12 PM
Pictures under Characters
Show pictures under characters on map but above map tiles
09/01/2013 04:06 PM
Common Event Variables
Get skill/item use information easily using variables in your common events
07/19/2013 03:39 PM
Event Trigger Labels
Setup events to behave differently depending on which button or item you use. No scripting involved
07/15/2013 03:04 PM
Custom Event Triggers
Assign an entire event page to run in parallel with another page
07/15/2013 05:40 AM
Event Parallel Pages
Assign an entire event page to run in parallel with another page
07/15/2013 05:37 AM
End Phase Triggers
Run events when all enemies or actors are dead
07/15/2013 05:33 AM
Get Menu Info v1.00
This script allows the developer get more information about the current menu without scripting knowledge.
04/11/2013 09:48 PM
Get Battle Info v1.04
This script allows the developer get more information about the current battle without scripting knowledge.
04/05/2013 03:16 PM
Followers Control
This script allows you to use event commands on the Player's followers.
02/01/2013 09:37 AM
Lock Character Movement
This script allows you to restrict the movement of characters by Region or Terrain.
01/28/2013 04:37 AM
Move Event with Player
Makes events move when the player moves.
01/20/2013 07:31 AM
Diagonal movement
Make your character walk diagonally
12/20/2012 11:08 PM
Galv's Keypad Input
A different version of the default "Input Number" event command.
10/18/2012 12:31 PM
Galv's Vehicle On/Off Locations
The player can only embark/disembark onto vehicles at certain regions.
10/18/2012 11:47 AM
The Event Extender
A powerfull tool to extend the event language
09/19/2012 02:22 PM
Movement code
This script simplifies movement code commands to shorten event code.
08/17/2012 11:31 PM
Instant event commands
This script let's you skip event commands allowing you to work much faster by not having to watch an event run from the start over and over again.
08/16/2012 12:02 AM
Yami Scripts Ace - Anti-lag Event
Reduce fps dropping.
02/02/2012 01:38 PM
Yanfly Engine Ace - Button Common Events
Bind common events to trigger upon button presses.
01/09/2012 05:28 PM
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Filter By Engine

Adventure Game Studio
Dragon Ruby
Eclipse Engine
Game Maker Studio
GameMaker Studio 2
Pixel Game Maker MV
RPG Maker MV
RPG Maker MZ
RPG Maker VX
RPG Maker VX Ace
RPG Maker XP
RPG Paper Maker
SRPG Studio
Visual Novel Maker

Script Categories

Battle Systems
Modifications, enhancements or replacements for the default battle system
Bug Fixes
Fixes to the default scripts
Custom Scenes and Windows
Addition of new scenes or features, or modification to non-menu/non-battle scenes
Database Systems
Modifications or enhancements to database elements, such as skills, actors, equipment, states, etc...
Event Systems
Modifications or enhancements to events, event commands, characters or vehicles, character movement, or mini-games
Graphical/Audio Systems
Modifications or enhancements to the graphical or audio systems
Map Systems
Modifications or enhancements to the map scene, such as HUDs, fogs, tiles, parallaxes/backgrounds or onscreen display
Menu Systems
Modifications to the graphical and/or functional layout of the default menu scenes
Message Systems
Modifications or enhancements to the default message system
A script that does not conform to the other categories
Script Compilation/Library
A compilation of several inter-related scripts
Scripting Tools
Tools for aiding in the development of scripts
Technical Systems
Modifications or enhancements to the engine itself