Touhou <3
The Forest Trail
"I beg of you, do not stay out after dark"




Nice wing he's got lol
There's actually a little backstory to that. In short Bnang can shapeshift by killing people and absorbing their body as his but he was stopped mid-absorption and now he's stuck with some of his original features

Heh; Nice. But the tentacles seem to be part of the robe instead of the body. You should make their roots(?) more fleshy looking.

Also, clean the edges a bit better, there are some pixels still floating arround. =P
Thanks :D
And I actually thought the way the tentacles started was a bit akward so I think what I'll do is put a flesh bit after the white of the robs so and thanks for mentioning the edges needing cleaned up, I never noticed


and not to mention cutting off god's arm made me feel awesome too

Crests of Hope ~ Disturbed Twist of Fate

I don't think you ever mentioned anything about where you were getting your faces from. That could just be my poor memory, though. Sorry!
Thanks for trying anyway ;-;

Edit: Uncle Sarah (Thats Me) found the facemaker :D

Anozer Edit: Ive got about 1% of the game made.... propably less F*CK YEAAHHHHH

A (hopefully) final edit - Today Im hoping to get at least 3 facesets done and a some of the database.

Crests of Hope ~ Disturbed Twist of Fate

does anyone have any idea of the face maker I was using ;-; I cant find it online anywhere...

Crests of Hope ~ Disturbed Twist of Fate

I think Im just going to have the game on hiatus until I
A - Go back to school (2 weeks of summer break left)
B - get my computer repaired (Daemon tools lite broke it >:( )

My computer's working again! Hooray for giving up hope on life and coming close to suicide!!
Who ever knew that computers had the power to give people happiness... then again... you do get porn on a mobile device

RMN Smart Phone app?

This I a good idea, mainly because my computers broken an I can't upload any pictures of my Progress (since I'm using my iPods notes thingy to do work) so mobile compatability would be nice :)

Crests of Hope ~ Disturbed Twist of Fate

Be had sun stroke fOr 3 days, have ulcers all over my mouthso I cant eat without feeling mass amounts of pain and I generally can't sleep for the heat
But even with all that be gotten so much work done. All 8 character profiles, 5 full skill sets, I've started on the item list, about 21 out of a possible 132 side quests (I've got all of them for the starting continent, and about 5 for another)
That really doesn't sound like much imo :(
It really did take a lot of work
Edit: and lots of gameplay features


So vampires in this game don't sparkle? Awesome.

When I can work on the game again I'll make a hidden vampire boss who has a 1 hit kill move called sparkle ;)

Crests of Hope ~ Disturbed Twist of Fate

Oh man Animetor, Im so sorry.

Thanks :(
But I think it'll make everything easier so I can plan it all out on paper and think about stuff instead of just jumping in and seeing where the white rabbit takes me
(yay for made up phrase!)

Crests of Hope ~ Disturbed Twist of Fate

Is the only way to describe my rage...
My computer broke after I tried to install daemon tools, and no computer=no game :(
I've lost everything... Games I haven't announced, novels I've been writing music I've composed. Everything...
So there will be no updates until probably christmas