

What are you thinking about right now?

So Terror in Resonance finished yesterday. A perfect example of an anime with great concepts but god awful execution.


Video thread

watch the whole thing the video title spoiled it but it's funny none-the-less

It's not my birthday!!

RMN's Sexy Demographics Touch Encounters

RMN the shitty Org XIII rip-off
side scroller Confessions
Leveling Up! Fundamental RPGology
How do you make your best friend?
Ukraine: protests against the RPG Revolution
What exactly IS a different topic
Trying too hard a Maker taboo?

Post an insane lie about the person above you

BizzareMonkey is a famous self-published author.

I don't have the abilities, but they do. Why can't they make my game for me?

Gotta make it rain.

Places you would not want to live

What are you thinking about right now?

Transformers in GoKarts.

Now that would be something.

Video thread