

Black Crystals

Been looking forward to this one :3

Vindictive Drive

It's basically a big invisible circle on the map, loosely correlated to the sweeping red lights. I was several squares from the lights, the circle popped up, and I died instantly.

Okay to correct you on this one, it's not a big circle, all of those lights are independent attacks - what probably happened is that because each one is kind of small, when it triggers an attack on the next tile over it looks like it's still distant from you especially because of how slow they are. Also, they're not actually instant death if your HP is high enough.

"Chapter G"? I no longer have any idea what this game is doing. It would have ruled on Newgrounds back in the day, but there's a narrative coherency that just kinda feels like it's missing.

Just look at the names! Arris's alias Gevie, based on her mother's name Geneveive, who founded the project that she's now accessing. Also 'Galick' Key -
there are a lot of Gs involved here, I don't think it's a stretch to see the connection or draw some kind of narrative coherency from this.

Vindictive Drive

I can't use the microdrone or the netframe. I have both items hotkeyed, but neither can be used. There's no error message. Just, pressing the key does not cause them to happen.

Not sure how you got that to happen, but if all else fails you can bust out your crowbar and give it a good whack.

EDIT: Okay, actually I believe you may have just missed the top right path in the next map over.


For the choice thing, I think instead of looking at it through the lens of 'my choice will have x effect' if you looked at it as 'my choice will reveal x about the protagonist's mindset,' it becomes a lot more reasonable :0

Vindictive Drive

better hide that bad boy before the mods kick in your door and throw you out the window for double posting ;j

jokes aside, it says at the very beginning of the game that arris is 22
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