


Oh Holy Hera - had to pull it all together here since I misread the deadline dates. I will say that my newfound restricted time made for an interesting design choice - one that I'm quite happy with.My Game doesn't require the rtp, but I'm too much of an idiot to know how to make it not ask for it.

Uncle Hexatona presents:

The Dwoemer of the Drill-Faced Goddess.

The woman that you meet behind the bars...
...that's definitely madoka :I


Game updated and uploaded! Only 2 bugfixes were needed so far (super minor ones, ie the innkeepers took your money and didn't heal you), added title name to title screen, misc additions, and added some more stuff to do. All in all a fun event, but the crunch time panic still hit hard at the end, heh. Good luck to everyone last minute crunchin!

Why is the music in the herb shop so ominous e_e


Since I had some time left over, I've extended my game length to practically double by adding a bit more exploration, a handful of new bosses, and a third ending :^0


The logic in my head is that if your game harkens to something from the SNES era, or before that, you're good. I slot my own entry as "before that", but, that's just me.
I actually used the old school modern tilesets since i thought they look pretty retro. So yeah, that counts for "before that" i think? But i only have retro graphics... I don't know if the gameplay is actually retro since i don't have a big knowledge about retro games. Still, i hope you will enjoy it although maybe it doesn't perfectly fit as a retro game.

"Retro-styled can include either the gameplay, sound/music design, graphics or plot/story design."

idk, the guidelines seem to be pretty lenient :p


I will finish this - if not by the end of the event, shortly after!

I MUST. I'm having way too much fun with it.

Can't wait to try it out when you're done! Definitely nailing the retro vibe there :p


The prophecy came true, I need to update the game with some fixed bugs, some of which are game breaking -_-

EDIT: OKAY, everything should be fixed now!


Finished my game, now on the event page! Hopefully there aren't any stupid bugs that will suddenly appear e_e
There are twenty such bugs, five of which you will be unable to replicate, despite them affecting a quarter of your audience.

The true retro experience!


Finished my game, now on the event page! Hopefully there aren't any stupid bugs that will suddenly appear e_e


Decided to go very retro (and also very FF)

Not quite ascii level but just about getting there

Vindictive Drive

It's basically a big invisible circle on the map, loosely correlated to the sweeping red lights. I was several squares from the lights, the circle popped up, and I died instantly.

Okay to correct you on this one, it's not a big circle, all of those lights are independent attacks - what probably happened is that because each one is kind of small, when it triggers an attack on the next tile over it looks like it's still distant from you especially because of how slow they are. Also, they're not actually instant death if your HP is high enough.

"Chapter G"? I no longer have any idea what this game is doing. It would have ruled on Newgrounds back in the day, but there's a narrative coherency that just kinda feels like it's missing.

Just look at the names! Arris's alias Gevie, based on her mother's name Geneveive, who founded the project that she's now accessing. Also 'Galick' Key -
there are a lot of Gs involved here, I don't think it's a stretch to see the connection or draw some kind of narrative coherency from this.