

Elf Quest: Get the Shiny

I think that's the title screen. Try changing the title screen in the editor until I get that figured out.

Oceanus Selene

All this spam makes me want to download.

The Encephalon

Planning to do a proper review but first impressions are quite positive.

Elf Quest: Get the Shiny

Oh I'm not that stupid (anymore). Basically I've got a polite term and a impolite term for the Half Dark Elves. Certain NPC's will use one or the other.

Elf Quest: Get the Shiny

You may have noticed I tend to swear a lot. However for this game I'm trying to cut that down as much as possible.
There's also racial tension in the city and I have to watch how I handle that.

The New Disciples (Season 1)

I'm going to crack this fucker open and take a look. Should have a review in a couple of days.

Considering newdisciples clearly stated intentions I will be judging on three points.

Funny: Was any of this actually funny?

Offensiveness: This project is desperately trying to offend the viewer does it suceed? At any point am I shocked, surprised or truly offended?

Artistic merit: Is there anything of real satiric value here or did you just drop a big steaming turd on my dinner plate and call it 'Modern Art'

Space Funeral

You sir, are a fucking genius.

Marvel Brothel

Have finally stopped laughing, will download immediately.

Caldesian Dreams

Yes I know my mapping is horrible especially with the indoor tiles. I'm just trying to work with the skills I have in the meantime. There just doesn't seem to be any decent tutorial on mapping.

Chrono Trigger

OK I'm in... Looks so bad it might be good.
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