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Hellcat - The Nightmare Begins 0.1.2

This might take a while, working on Menagerie, so dont expect much news on this until after 12/12/12

Intelligence: Net-Ready!

Oh man, I've been forced by compulsion to keep producing videos of stuff to show things off in a thread.

So here's another one, except this one wont even become relevant until years in the future. Our years.

Sorry its so basic, it was just a test demo thingy doodad. Nothing exciting. Except you now know how the final 7th ancient one looks.

Intelligence: Net-Ready!

I did find some sweet rides, but they were really big, i think I'll just stick to these ones for now.

Also, this wont be updated for a while, working on menagerie full time so i've got far less chance to meddle with this.

However, I do have a video to show I've not been doing absolutely nothing, ha ha.


Intelligence: Net-Ready!

Ah yes, Rocko has quite a load of cars there, they all a bit too old style though, I'm looking for something more futuristic.

I'll have a further look around Charas-project. For other things too.

Hellcat - The Nightmare Begins 0.1.2

Working on version 0.2.0 and have a basic changelog in the works

- Giving a bit more guidance around Hel'dath, specifically on the story, for some players it might be unclear exactly when when you enter, even though it should be obvious.
- The Invasion of Gal'vana begins and signals Act 2, Act 1 is your time during Heldath, Act 0 is your short time on earth.
- Adding a couple scripts which might reduce... lag? I dunno if this is lagging for anyone, I've never had problems but I also have a pretty good computer.
- Autosave Points
- Walking over items no longer pauses the game nor displays what you got, now you will simply be led to your item menu if you are curious.
- Hopefully I'll be able to figure out a way for powerups to work.
- Some kind of... weapon quick select feature.
- A script to have weapon attacked cost mana.
- My own intuition might find workarounds for the three things above.

Hellcat - The Nightmare Begins 0.1.2

Small Patch deployed to fix a few things. Changelog and Updated Download in Public Profile.

Hellcat - The Nightmare Begins 0.1.2

I did honestly try that and it wouldnt open and yeah, weird stuff kept happening with it.

I'll try it again.

Okay, I did it, you just need to format them right or weird stuff starts happening.

Intelligence: Net-Ready!

AAAHHHH I'm in the middle of too many games all ready. How dare you make this look so cool. ;_;
I'm... sorry? xD

Thanks, haha, this post made my day.

Intelligence: Net-Ready!

Build 4 is up, fixes a few bugs someone informed me of, changelog in the profile.

Intelligence: Net-Ready!

Build 3 is around and should fix every last bug that could halt progress, I stress-tested this one so there should not be any hiccups outside meaningless ones, i.e. flavor text possibly not working or cosmetic effects not displaying properly.

If theres anything like that let me know.