Proxy Pattern
Cyberpunk RPG with a tactical battle system



Proxy Pattern

Thanks guys :) I'm glad to see other people like it after pouring so much time and energy into it.

+++ DynRPG - The RM2k3 Plugin SDK +++

download MoveEventPointer

Put the MoveEventPointer.ips into the DynPatches folder. The used variable can be changed by pasting the following under the [QuickPatches] section in the DynRPG.ini and changing the number after the #

So what does this thing do? The patch allows you to assign the Event_ID for a <MoveEvent> command by putting the to-be-moved Event_ID into Var[3330].
1 to 1000 are the events, 10001 = Hero, 10002 = boat, 10003 = ship, 10004 = airship, 10005 = this event

If Var[3330] has a value of zero or below, the event that was assigned by the <MoveEvent> command will be moved instead.

I realize this post is ancient, but does anybody have any idea why this isn't working for me? I have moved the .ips into the Patches folder and added the following in the DynRPG.ini:

; Paste quickpatches here

In the project I then set variable no. 1140 to "14" for example, if the event ID that I want to move is 14. It still moves the event indicated in the move command, though, instead of the event with ID no. 14.

Any ideas?

Never mind, figured out another way to do what I want...

Screenshot Survival 20XX

- Site was down and now I double-posted...

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Are the colors changing or static, Pancaek?

Looks good, I like the art style.

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Looks amazing, Kaempfer. The ladders kinda look like they are horizontal instead of vertical. Not sure what you could do about them to change that, though.

Edit: Putting the horizontal steps in the foreground instead of the background (meaning in front of the rails rather than behind them) might help. Right now they look more like train tracks.

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Hear, Hear! Those cyberpunk maps be looking fly, Cazic. Not sure exactly what the bottom one is supposed to be (snow? space?) but the others are pretty neato~

Thanks. The last one is rain, but it doesn't really translate all that well to a screenshot unfortunately. I'm using Kazesui's particle plugin for it, looks pretty nice in motion.

Have you played VA-11 HALL-A by any chance?

I haven't, but I definitely see how you got that vibe from it, especially from the Videodome map. Thanks for the compliment.

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Some screenshots of my cyberpunk RPG that has been in development since the dawn of mankind.

More here:

It looks a lot better in motion, but I'm too lazy right now to make gifs.
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