

The Legend of Ace: Trial Adventure

Really nice game!


Honestly, the fact that Sailerius made it is already enough reason for me to not even bother reading the topic. :D

The Hallowed Tower

Man, this was a waste of time and space. Sorry.

Star Stealing Prince

There are many things I like about this game, but damn... was playing for almost an hour and it was pretty much all reading. That's not good. That's the same situation I encountered with Persona 4, despite how great that game is, I still couldn't get to my first fight cause of all the blah blah going on at first.

I mean no offense by my comments, like I said, you nailed many aspects that most people don't bother to work on, but the dialogue scenes need to be shrinked and you have to find a way to throw the player into action around 30 minutes in. Trust me, it will not make people put down the game and try it some other time, like I have.

"I don't know if the battle system will be fun, I don't know if it'll be worth playing after I have to read chunks of text on the beginning" -- This is pretty much the gist of it. :) Good luck dude.

Lorelai, Queen

Hi, I downloaded your game, but I can't see the fonts being displayed. Link the font file and let me know so I can play the game.

*nvm, had them misplaced* it works now.

Zephyr Skies: The Winter Sage

Why was this nominated for best non-RPG? The genre is listed as RPG.

I agree with you. While I'm not mad at the joke, this shouldn't be allowed to be on the Misaos since it's all a hoax... a conspiracy theory! :P

Cosplay Crisis

I'm sorry about getting so frustrated. I've had a lot going on recently and I am overreacting a tad, I would've edited my post but my browsers are being a tad screwy right now. CharlesGabriel, I don't really appreciate being patronized and stereotyped because I'm female. There's a lot of other factors at work here besides my gender.

I understand. :)

Cosplay Crisis

It's cool... on my part, I'm just messing around with the situation.

Women feel more anxiety than us men cause of all the hormones and shit lol...

Woman: where's the baby! where's the baby! I need to go shopping! XD

I have women in my life, I understand.

Cosplay Crisis

FUCK ING QAOIDSKDSFrqurczx,kldvklnsdfnsdlkcnklaenflksadnfklawdvncasdvlnaeklnvlkbnweqlk;fvn2lenflksadnflkewqnevksnbewrlkvlkasnklefnwrlknfglksdngvlksdngvlknargvlknvw3ogpo35jfogpjrwpogjwprojgfporejgojhrgfvpojergojerpojgvpeorjgvpojefnfeqv;lNLmjmpo0p[uujiohhiohbhaihAEFHIOYHHIOHBAIOHZDSGIJNIJHNSPIOOP EJRFFBMD




Can I do that for you? I hate ungrateful bitches! hahaha

I'm just playing, relax.

Demonlord5000 is a well known dedicated tester, he's just trying to help, dear. :)


There is a major problem with the movement part of the event going on in the first scene map of the forest. You need to fix it and re-upload it... people won't be able to fix that on their own unless they have an unencrypted copy. Also, the teleport event from the previous map is on the left side, which should be on the center side... and when you open the game there is a message that says parallax bg "zodiac" is missing.
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