

Discussion on Map Design: Accessibility Vs. Aesthetic Value

I began thinking about this after the recent map design contest. What exactly makes a good map? There are many factors, but I think what it boils down to is this: A map can either be tailored for game play, or focused on aesthetics and atmosphere. Perhaps if you are lucky, you can find a balance of both! I shall post some polar extreme examples of some maps from well known games, and illustrate a few thoughts on each.

Pokemon: Accessible

- Clearly defined boundaries of passability. It is very easy to see where you can walk, and where you can't.
- More suitable to action gameplay. This is debatable, but it does make sense. Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past is a good example of this, because the maps were very clearly defined, though not so pretty. They fit very well for gameplay!
- Generally easier to design.

-Not unnecessarily ugly, but generally much more simple and less atmospheric than the aesthetic maps.
-Possibly restricting on artistic vision.

Chrono Trigger: Aesthetic

-These types of maps have the potential to be absolutely gorgeous, and can be extremely successful at establishing atmosphere and setting.
-Allows for some more complex map structures.


-Requires much more effort to design
-Restricts gameplay

So those are the two extreme examples I can think of. I think this discussion is especially relevant to Rpg Maker, considering the recent release of Rpg Maker VX. With the release of VX, we now have a bit of a split between those who like XP, and those who prefer VX. One of the dividing points is that of the RTP, and how it handles map design. VX generally produces much more accessible maps, where as XP's tends to be more complex and aesthetic.

So, what do you guys have to say on the topic? What are some factors to consider in map design? Neither of these polar extremes is really any better than the others, both are widely used in the history of Video Games. Which type do YOU prefer, and why?

post your picture

For instance, going back to page 4 I think, we see Ranmaru Mori, who looks fairly young, and look, I haven't seen him in quite some time.

Bring on the conspiracy theories! ;)

Screenshot Thread With One Eyebrow and a Golden Tooth

Man, all the transparency is pretty confusing! It's a good concept, but I think you should keep it a little easier to understand. Perhaps make the roofing a little more transparent.

Worst Injury you've suffered?

I dived into a lake with an ear infection, and the pressure of the lake ruptured my ear drum! I don't know if that counts as an injury, but it was the most pain I've ever felt, and I had fluids leaking from my ear for about a good solid week. :(

Also, I broke my collar bone, but that didn't really hurt. I didn't mind that one so much! I've rolled my ankles many times skateboarding as well, and that is generally a terrible time.

Professor Layton and the Curious Village

Also, it's pretty cool that they have weekly downloadable extra puzzles. I tried one, and it was ridiculously hard. Or maybe I was just thinking too hard, I don't know, but shit! I think it was called "Five to Four". Try it out.

Professor Layton and the Curious Village

Out of any DS game I've played, this has so far been the most fun for me. If you haven't heard of this game, check it out at

To describe the game, I'd say it's an IQ test mixed with a classic point and click game like King's Quest. I'm enjoying a nice break from the epics with it, and it's one of the most unique games I've ever played. It does some pretty cool things with the stylus too!

If you want an RM comparison, think of "Sunset over Imdahl". It's kind of detectivy like that, and features fantastic art. Some of the art in Layton reminds me a little bit of Tim Burton films, it's pretty neat!

I highly recommend this gem to anyone who owns a Nintendo DS! For those who have played it, what did you think of it?

Top Ten Topic: Favorite Video Game Composers [Music]

These are the only three I listen to off game!
-Super Metroid
-Dragon Quest VIII
-Earthbound and Mother 3

RMN Map-Design Contest [Winners announced]

Check out a certain tab of the data base in the editor ^_-. Oh goodness, I feel awful for spoiling that. :(

But at least I didn't say which tab. The biggest clue Craze gave was when he said "an externally solved riddle". Keep that in mind!

Screenshot Thread With One Eyebrow and a Golden Tooth

Abley! That latest one is fantastic. :)
I really look forward to seeing some more from you! I heavily anticipate your RS submission! I enjoyed your last demo, so I trust you won't disappoint. ^_^

And sanosuke, these latest screenshots are looking great, your style is becoming more refined and solid all the time. Good work! I only hope it's not too awkward walking around in an isometric environment, but I don't imagine it'll be a problem.

I just had potato chips for dinner.

I totally just had a baked sweet potato for dinner, it was awesome! But alas, I don't really know what to put on a baked sweet potato, somebody give me some hints! I tried ranch dressing, but it didn't go over very well. I find they are very tasty on their own, but I want to explore a little!