Software engineer and amateur game developer with a focus on challenging non-twitch gameplay. I set the bar for "challenging" pretty high.

Other major chunks of interest go toward reading, math and tabletop games of many stripes.



[SCRIPTING] Pathfinding script

Does Ruby not have a priority queue in standard libraries? Huh.

I may be misreading, but think this search isn't actually guaranteed to return a path which has the minimum possible number of steps. It may not be that likely to pop up, but if there's a suboptimal path that stays within an apparent distance that the best path has to go outside, you'll never execute the best path.

A* is similar to this but executes nodes with the lowest (apparent distance + steps already taken), which avoids that problem.

Palette Swaps: A discussion.

I've planned to use palette swaps for different instances of identical enemies within the same battle.
On the one hand, identical enemies should look the same; on the other, when I want to show some status information particular to just one, a visual cue to distinguish which is which is very helpful.

Aurora Wing Review

Thanks for playing!

Yeah, need to spend more time on games. :)

Whatchu Workin' On? Tell us!

Forking Tiled to enforce object and layer restrictions that make sense for my game. Turned out to be not too painful.

The Screenshot Topic Returns


Murder menu is best menu.

What 2D/2.5D game engine for making an RPG should I use?

libgdx is a free cross-platform (PC, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS) Java game dev framework. It comes set up to use reasonably well-developed free font and map formats, useful for RPGs.

I've been working on a game with it and don't have many complaints (though I'm still in the "build on PC" phase as well).

Balancing Life, Playing Games and Making Games

I don't balance it well at all, and my life is suffering.

Same, but my game is suffering.


One option is to use randomness to vary a starting state, or change the player's options rather than the results of his decisions (e.g., drawing a hand of cards every turn). The latter in particular can cause that same need for flexibility in a battle plan mentioned above.

If you do want to use straight favorable vs. unfavorable results, besides the strategies mentioned above you could have a side effect that only occurs on an unfavorable result. Maybe if an ability fails enough in a battle, you can make it a guaranteed success at a time of your choosing, something like that. Though you might have trouble coming up with a specific implementation that's not prone to abuse.

While a more random game like Blood Bowl is all about risk-management. Doing the least risky things first in a turn (or occasionally doing the things that are the most critical that they succeed) and trying to mitigate the damage that the randomness undoubtedly will cause.

This reminds me about something I was really enthusiastic about at one point. Enough to use exclamation points!
In early versions of Aurora Wing I didn't let the player save except at the beginning of a turn. Since that was often 10+ attacks with 40-70% hit rates, even if you were reloading a lot you'd never get everything you wanted, so it was important to prioritize.
I dropped that because it would be incredibly painful if you forgot to save at the right time, but I remember liking the way it played. Though nowadays we'd probably just use a delete-on-load save instead.

[Poll] The King of Fanatsy

Is Terry Pratchette the French cousin of Terry Pratchet? ^_-

Who is the French cousin of Terry Pratchett?

Aurora Wing

You're welcome, thanks for playing!