

What are you thinking about right now?

Wait...what does Homestuck have to do with ICP?


This looks really interesting, downloading

What are you thinking about right now?


All of my wat...I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry.

Suggest me board games

Risk. Nuff said. I remember some friends of mine staying up all night after an Order of the Arrow (boy scout group) ordeal, where we had to move around ~60lb cinderblocks all day.

Guitar Musings, courtesy of the Wolf

Get the cables, programs and such on the computer, and directly record it so no actual feedback is heard, and it WILL do it justice with the computer addition.


what scares you the most?

I have a fear of failing and/or losing my friends, and of absolute lonliness.

Secret Collect

I removed the update function reference so it will work now, just not update. I'm probably just going to have links on my site or something.

What are you thinking about right now?

I tried Famitracker (Failure on setting up the instruments) and then Modplug (Did not work like I was wanting) , but I finally settled on Mad Tracker 2 (...It made noise. What more could I asked?). I'm not sure if it is that good of a tracker or not, but still: Its better then nothing.
What do you mean failure on setting up the instruments? All you have to do is press "new instrument" and your good to go for a basic sound. And I use Mad Tracker as my main tracker =D

What are you thinking about right now?

What tracker are you using?

What are you thinking about right now?

I think now that I have RPG Maker XP, I might actually participate more in this forum, and *gasp* release an RPG sometime this decade!