Hi, I compose video game music, make battle animations, assemble tilesets. Lots of sprite ripping and more for RPG Maker 2003, using my 2 handy tools, FL studio, and Photoshop. I'm always learning new things, and getting better at what I do. I work hard to surpass my limits. I am a perfectionist.

If you're interested in seeing the things I do, you can watch my videos on youtube.

If you need resources, here's a link to my photobucket. It has lots of battle animations and such, just for yoo! Please give credit though, if you're going to use them.




Which looks better?

MAP A! That has to be one of the best looking forest areas I have seen using that kind of tile set. A defiantly looks better, regardless of what type of forest it is.

Downloading RPG Maker 2k3

I agree, XP and VX aren't very good at all... XP however, does have the best mapping system, and VX is the easiest to use, but 2k3 makes better games, and has a better battle system. :D

Walking In Tall Grass Without Multiple Events?

With a Call trigger, the event only runs when called. With a Parallel Process trigger, the event tries to run every step of the engine. Better to only have one parallel process event that runs each "active" event in turn, than to try and run them all at once, parallel. Avoids lag & slowdown.
Haha yeah, I just wrote that above. xD!!!

Walking In Tall Grass Without Multiple Events?

is there any reason you used a call common event with a conditional branch rather than a parallel process common event with a trigger switch?
Oh, because I have a main parallel process event that manages all other parallel processes by calling them within it, which makes things cleaner, and doesn't lag the system. However, I just changed the picture above to parallel process in case someone didn't understand, like yourself.

Walking In Tall Grass Without Multiple Events?

I set it up, and put the comments in this, so others can learn how to do this too. :)

Walking In Tall Grass Without Multiple Events?

It worked!!! Thank you soo much!!! ^O^!!! I've been wanting to do this for years. I can't believe it was actually this simple. xD!!!

Animated Tile Set!

You should put the link to the video at the top.
That way, people won't have to read the tutorial text wall to find out that they could have spent their last five minutes watching a video instead.
But the video isn't the tutorial. >_>

Animated Tile Set!

The video doesn't show how to do it, it just shows the product of this technique.
The video just shows the tiles animated, it doesn't tell you how. That's what this tutorial is for. Otherwise, would be the point of me writing the tutorial? <_<

Animated Tile Set!

I watched the video, and it took me a while to realize what was going on there.

Interesting, though. You could use that to much more interesting effects though. Like animating non-auto tiles. You could make EVERY tile animated in a way (walls, grass, trees, etc). Map would look really vibrant.
Yup!! I think the only thing you couldn't possibly do in 2k3, is alpha transparency effects on maps, or tiles that are transparent, unless they're in a char set. :O

Walking In Tall Grass Without Multiple Events?

A single parallel common event that checks the terrain ID of the hero's coordinates and changes the character set to WalkingInGrass.png when in grass, and NotWalkingInGrass.png when not would be the best and most practical method of doing things.
:O! I'll give that a try. Do you know how I would go about setting that event up?
First off, you'll need to make sure you've got a specific terrain ID set aside for the "Grass" (lets say Terrain ID 2).

You'd need three variables. Two to store the X and Y coordinates of the hero, and one to store the Terrain ID of the tile the hero is standing on. (HeroX, HeroY, and TerrainID).

In Common Events, set up a Parallel Process event. In that event, start with setting the HeroX and HeroY variable to the Sprite "Hero"'s respective X and Y coordinates.
Then get the Terrain ID of the tile at (HeroX,HeroY).

Then set up a conditional branch following that.
If TerrainID = 2 {
Change Hero Graphic to Walking in Grass
Else {
Change Hero Graphic to Not Walking in Grass

At this point it should work in theory. There might be some tweaking needed, and this will definitely interfere with events that try to change your hero graphic in the future. For that, you might want to set the entire common event here to only be active when a switch is on.

Hope that helped.
For the most part, it works on activating the 'not in grass' charset, but it doesn't seem to work when you step in the grass... Yeah, it has to be tweaked.. >.<; but thanks, this did help me at learning about storing coordinates in variables, because I didn't know how to do that before. ^o^

Here's a snapshot of the comment event. I set it on call because I have a main parallel process that manages the common events. So it worked at keeping the charset in 'not in grass' form.