Hi, I compose video game music, make battle animations, assemble tilesets. Lots of sprite ripping and more for RPG Maker 2003, using my 2 handy tools, FL studio, and Photoshop. I'm always learning new things, and getting better at what I do. I work hard to surpass my limits. I am a perfectionist.

If you're interested in seeing the things I do, you can watch my videos on youtube.

If you need resources, here's a link to my photobucket. It has lots of battle animations and such, just for yoo! Please give credit though, if you're going to use them.




Walking In Tall Grass Without Multiple Events?

A single parallel common event that checks the terrain ID of the hero's coordinates and changes the character set to WalkingInGrass.png when in grass, and NotWalkingInGrass.png when not would be the best and most practical method of doing things.
:O! I'll give that a try. Do you know how I would go about setting that event up?

Walking In Tall Grass Without Multiple Events?

what engine are you using?
Oops, forgot to mention that. I'm using RM2k3.

Walking In Tall Grass Without Multiple Events?

!!! SOLVED !!! ~~~ Thanks to Narcodis for helping me. Here's what you do... (for rpg maker 2003)

ADDITIONAL ADVICE: This is a parallel process event, however, if you set it to call, and have another common event on parallel process which manages all other parallel process common events by calling them within it. It makes things cleaner, and makes it easier on the game's engine. :)

You can also use this to do other things that change your charset. It could turn on switches that causes noise, which would alert monsters to come after you, etc. :) Anything you want! ^O^

-Below is what my problem was, before it was solved-

(i'm using RPG Maker 2003)

Have you noticed in games like Zelda: A Link To The Past, when Link walks in tall grass, it would show grass around the feet of his sprite, and when he stepped off the grass, the grass around his feet would disappear?

I want to be able to have ground tiles set to where you step on them, it automatically triggers your charset to change with grass around your feet, or with water ripples if you're walking in water, etc, and automatically switch back when you step off.

The only other way I have done this was with having a bunch of events all over the grass to turn on the switch which activates the charset change, and then more events around the grass that turns off the switch. It's a lot of events, and I don't like like copying and pasting so many events.

Is there any other way to do this without using so many events?