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Tetra Master

Aside from one issue where the AI plays two cards one after another that happens occasionally, very very good.

With that issue, if the AI was the player that led, this results in the game being impossible to finish as you wouldn't be able to play your last card, as the game expects the AI to play a card before you so you can have your last turn, but as the AI is out of cards it sits there waiting for the AIs turn to end.

Could you tell me the steps that would reproduce the bug?

Tetra Master

I played it in FFIX and even won a tournament, but the rules are...It's like they don't exist there. Will try it when I'll have time.

A full copy of the rules comes with the game.

Tetra Master

Oh, I love Tetra Master! I haven't actually tried this out yet, but it'll be fantastic if this is a solid remake. Are there any plans for potential lan-based play in the future?

I don't have the programming skills yet to make LAN-based gameplay, but the thought has crossed my mind, and once I iron out any bugs that's left and implement a more robust AI, I'll start working on the LAN.
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