Hello, RMN'er.

Wanna give me a round of applause for something I've made? Then drop me a PM.
Wanna just chat? Then drop me a PM.
Wanna yell at me that something I've made is horrible? Then drop me a PM.
Wanna split a pizza? You're paying.



Steam VX Ace Giveaway - Part 1 (Tagline challenge) - Winner announced

RMN: Forecast of fun.

Content creation (technical)

Anyway, I'd like to ask for slot 38 to be reserved for me, if I may~
I've updated the FAQ on the official site. Any news on Momohana Nami?

I've been slowly working on her. I know how I want her story to go, it's just... actually making it go that way.

Content creation (technical)


It's me, I'm back, yay?
Anyway, I'd like to ask for slot 38 to be reserved for me, if I may~

Super RMN World

So, I hope you finish this by new year's eve of 3487. Because if you don't, that would just be sad.

Super RMN World

It's fine. If you don't want levels by beginners, it's fine.

Super RMN World

I guess I'm just too late to jump on the bandwagon; you guys are expecting more than my level design capabilities it seems.
don't sweat it. They expect more than mine, too.

Oh gee that fills me with confidence.

Super RMN World

I guess I'm just too late to jump on the bandwagon; you guys are expecting more than my level design capabilities it seems.

Super RMN World

Hey. Hey. Halibabica. You should review my levels. Jes' sayin'.

Content creation (artistic, 1st archive)

If one is rather perfectionist, there are a few observable differences between my last attempt and the "original prints". In that respect, "better" is a valid response. Saying that, to be honest, I'm disinclined to make another attempt. Outside of being consistent with my "last attempt" comments, I'm just not sure how I can make it better.

Thanks for the votes of confidence, though!

Well i don't think it could be better.

I'd have written a page-long thank-you note, but I was a tad strapped for time. My apologies.

Content creation (artistic, 1st archive)

Here'smy last attempt. Though, doing it this way does not exactly answer the question of how this hair color came about in the first place.

Now, excuse me. I have to revert from "Suicide Squad" to "Right Hands".
