the world ends in whatever my makerscore currently is

Let's take drugs and go to war.

Follow the story of two survivors after an infection has spread across the USA.



Mean Girls: The RPG


Wait, is this a real thing?

But yes, I think the whole "mean girls" thing solely lies in visual novels and the like.
As for an actual RPG that's a bit different.

How would that work and who would play it?

Don Miguel is a russian that translated a japanese game engine into english.

...illegally, for which many game makers, and players, are eternally grateful.

The man is also a rebel and a hero...

So, the new Ghostbusters movie... no, not that all girl one. The other one. Yes, you heard me right.

I really don't know why original actors decline sequels in the first place...
A) They are going to remake/branch off with or without you and then it's not going to be the same or
B) Once they finally do come around it's been waaaaay too long of a time gap and missed out on a great thing. Dumb and Dumber To anyone?

What are you thinking about right now?

Watching Hell comes to Frogtown and well...Roddy Piper younger is insane to see. I know him as The Maniac!

Good movie so far? I guess...I like the premise even though it feels kinda like a soft-core porno ha

Don Miguel is a russian that translated a japanese game engine into english.

I wondered if he considered all of this and that's why he chose a spanish name, just to make it even more funny/confusing

sly dog

I want to create a hip hop RPG with all these famous rappers, kind of like Kanye Quest 3030 except actually good and not terrible and repetitive.

You speak truth! especially if the focus was the music and handled well I think it could be something pretty nifty.

That damn Calunio can make my jaw drop with 2d...


This is impressive! :D

Really will bring the game to life.


Gotta' love dem battle sprites

I want to create a hip hop RPG with all these famous rappers, kind of like Kanye Quest 3030 except actually good and not terrible and repetitive.

I don't know how the source material would translate into anything but a comedy game.
A lot of this is raw emotions the likes of which I don't think 2d can handle.

Then again, I've never really thought any gangster/rapper game was all that good or could even be taken seriously.
Like, their lives are already an action-packed video game. And I know first hand because I used to be very close to a rapper and his "gang"

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Off topic for the thread but in regards to the wasp/bee chatter: When I lived in the country some years back now a giant tree cracked in half revealing a killer bee hive that was all up in it.
My house was only a feet away from the tree and the bees started attacking my dogs and myself. They were extremely aggressive and stung like a bitch and it really became like that one movie where the town gets horded by bees.

Annnyways, me, my brother and a friend drove up to the nest in a car and threw bug bombs into the nest and tree, and we pelted the hive with bird shot for good measure.

We must've killed like five hundred+ bees, it was a bloodbath. Gained like three levels that day...