Hello all, my real name is Jeromy. I'm a video game fan in general, but the way that RPG's make you feel sucked in to an alternate world easily make it my favorite genre (given that the story don't suck.) Aside from that I'm a father and a husband and I work my butt of to take care of my family. I love gaming, but family will always come before anything.

My favorite game... wow, that's a tough one. I'll just list a handful that I really enjoyed in no particular order. Only a handful though, there isn't enough space to list them all.

Disgaea 3 (PS3)
Final Fantasy 5 (SNES, PSX & GBA)
Final Fantasy 7 (PSX)
Dual Orb (SNES)
Breath of Fire 3 (PS & PSP)
Bahamut Lagoon (SNES)
Magic Knight Ray Earth (SNES & SATURN)
Everlong (RM2K3)
Enchanted Arms (PS3 & XBOX 360)
Jade Cocoon (PSX)

Fatal Fantasy "As Fate M...
An epic fantasy RPG


I'm writting a new hip-hop song, I need oppinions

I've been doing hip-hop music since 2001. I just recently started a new song, it's called "Trapped." I'ts about someone really struggling to take care of their family and every day life. It's a bit about my own personal sittuation, but more so a song everyone would be able to relate to. Here's the refrain and the first verse. Let me know what you all think, thanks.



I'm feeling trapped in lap running around all the time I barley make a dime im in a hard time i dont know what to do but I'm doing my best I'm still at a loss you can see it in my face i have the devotion but I lack the emotion I know where I'm at but I still feel lost

I'm feeling trapped in lap running around all the time I barley make a dime im in a hard time i dont know what to do but I'm doing my best I'm still at a loss you can see it in my face i have the devotion but I lack the emotion I know where I'm at but I still feel lost

verse 1

It's kinda like the time is dying working so hard so you know that I'm trying but every waking day ya knows it seems like I'm crying I got the love of my life my wonderful wife my whole world my little baby girl and it hurts to know that I cant support them the way that I want to I aint playing if ya wanna take a bet I got credit card debt imagine how it feels I'm behind on the bills months at a time it's like I'm digging a hole that I can't climb out it's like one big problem that I can't figure out If ya haven't heard me yet let me say it like this
It's like you work so hard your whole life and you still feel like you have almost nothing ofcourse you got your friends and family telling you it will be ok and you tell them you understand but do you really It sucks feeling like your best isn't good enough imagine havng to tell your kid they can't have that 3.00 snack because you can't afford it the pain is deep


I'm feeling trapped in lap running around all the time I barley make a dime im in a hard time i dont know what to do but I'm doing my best I'm still at a loss you can see it in my face i have the devotion but I lack the emotion I know where I'm at but I still feel lost

I'm feeling trapped in lap running around all the time I barley make a dime im in a hard time i dont know what to do but I'm doing my best I'm still at a loss you can see it in my face i have the devotion but I lack the emotion I know where I'm at but I still feel lost

What's your most embarrassing momment?

In light of my infamous dinosaure topic, I got to thinking. Since I embarrassed the hell out of myself, what is the most stupid and or embarrassing momment you can recall about yourself? Who knows, maybe it will will top mine (not likely.)

[Poll] Pokemon Black 2, which fire starter should I use?

I'm about to start up Pokemon Black 2 and I'm going to be using a gameshark. Not to cheat with items, legendaries or anything heavy like that, I just want to get a specific team. I've been playing Pokemon so long, it's diffcult to find a team of Pokemon I've never used. My only exception is one Starter every playthrough. Well here's my team, minus one choice.

Fire: ????
Water: Staryu
Grass: Budew
Electric: Blitzle
Dragon/Flying: Swablu
Bug/Poison: Venonat

I need your guys help on deciding on the fire type starter I'll use.

I find it funny when people complain about bill collectors.

I'm currently a bill collector for Directv, my mother was one for Dollar Bank for 22 years and my family has a long line in that field, so I'm aware they can be annoying. Bottom line though, if people just paid things like they are supposed to we wouldn't have to call. I understand things happen, but I know from personal experiance people simply just don't pay their bills. Either they dont pay attention to what they sign up for via contract, or they get something they know they really cant afford.

Example, I had a a customer today tell me her bill was to high. Turns out she's paying for NFL Sunday Ticket, NBA Leauge Pass, HD & DVR plus she has our highest package. She was aware of ALL of them and wanted to keep ALL of them. That put her at 224.97 plus tax a month. I told her unless shes willing to drop some stuff theres not much we can do for her. I told her I can get her a 20.00 discount, but that was all I could pull. She said "Well I been with you guys for three years, I should be entitled to some free stuff." It don't work that way. Plus she has been late 13 mnths in a row now.

I get people like that ALL the time. Maybe not to that extreme, but it still happens. Then you get the people that say "Oh your going to shut my service off because I'm only behind 50.00." Late is late, If I'm behind 50.00 on my electric bill because of my own doing then that's my fault not theirs. Those people drive me crazy. Now all that being said, I'm fully aware some companies can be very bad with their call back polices.

Can someone do a RMVX Ace re-color for me?

I know re-colors aren't that hard to do, but for some reason I can't get this one to look right and it's driving me crazy. It's a Zack character from Final Fantasy 7 that I found on the depths of the google pages, sorry I don't know who created it. I need the hair re-colored to look like Cloud. Thanks in advance guys.

Who remembers Crystal Pepsi? A friend of mine sure does.

So a buddy of mine that I've known for going on 16 years now, bought a whole case of un-opened Crystal Pepsi bottles of ebay (you really can by anything online.) Which is fine, but he got the bright idea to try drinking a whole 20 ounce bottle. Keep in mind Crystal Pepsi stopped production in the mid 90's. So a few hours later, he got real sick and started throwing up. He refuses to go to a medical center or anything because hes embarrassed. I told him, who cares they deal with far worse I'm sure. Long story short, he's an idiot.

Is there a modern custom link graphic for SMBX?

I need a custom Link graphic for Super Mario Brothers X. One that don't look like the NES version of him. I'm thinking more along the lines of the Four Swords version. Link just don't look right along side Mario, Luigi, Peach and Toad. I would welcome a replacment like Wario, or even Sonic. As long as it fits graphics wise with the other characters. I did find the big graphics pack, but nothing quite what I want for link. Thanks in advance.

Did you like the movie "Man Of Steel" **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

***This is a rather long topic and it WILL contain spoilers***

I think I'm part of the rare group that didn't care to much for the old Superman movies. I thought they were to goofy and over the top. I mean come on, the infamous flying around the world scene. In my oppinion, they were a product of their era. Which I know alot of super hero movies were like that back then. Now, we fast forward to 2013 and we have Man Of Steel. I figured since it was made by the creators of the new Batman movies, it will be good. In my oppinion, for the most part it was.

I do enjoy watching the nostalgia critic, but I didn't agree really with his take on the film. I thought the actors played the parts really well. When Louis Lane first acted all bad ass looking trying to cover her story. The Nostalgia Critic knocked the her for wanting to drop her story after she discovered the true story from Superman himself. I thought it was well written, she felt bad and didn't want him discovered yet. Clearly the emotion on her face would say that. Though I did agree that his adopted dad was a bit of a contradiction. Stating the world would benifit from his gift and blah blah blah, but yelled at Clark when he said he wanted to be more then just a farmer.

I Really enjoyed the futuristic look of Krypton. The part where the simulation of Clarks real father used the ship to explain Kryptons history was really cool. Other then the fight scenes, my favorite part was where the simulation of Clarks dad helped Louis Lane escape the ship, it was genius. Sure it was a bit over the top, but I'm used to that from Zack Snyder.

Lastly, the neck break part. I liked it, a bit dark but I liked it. Alot of people were thrown off by that because they say that's not what Superman would do. 1) He was faced with either letting the people die, or kill Zod. 2) Anyone who knows the early Superman comics knows the he is darker then the modern world knows. 3) It was a much needed change of pace in my opinion. The only thing I didn't like about it was that they didn't play with that much at all. After he kiled Zod, he was clearly bothered by it, but the next scene was him all happy messing with the government.

I may have missed some points about the movie, but this topic is already long enough. Have fun RMN and weigh in your thoughts.

[Poll] Games not being completed like expected!

I know for me and I'm sure it applies to most of you guys. When we get these great ideas for this wonderful game we want to make and you start up the project only to be haulted part of the way through by an unexpected (or maybe not) problem that stops the games production. Hell, I've been working on "Legacy Saga" the RM2K3 version, since around 2007. So in a nut shell, I'm just curious what your typical reasons are for stopping your project, or atleast put it on a seemingly forever hold.

Ponder this? A different, but interesting question.

I was trying to think of a question that could generate some conversation that's a bit different, but will make you think. I hope this does just that.

Dinosaurs, we all know they were long go a long time ago, but take a look at humans. I was wondering how dinosaurs died off, but humans didn't. Sure we're smart, but with absolutely nothing really in terms of resources, the spread of sickness and fending off other desprate humans, not to mention dinosaurs trying to eat them. How did we make it? It's interesting if you think about it, if dinosaurs died because of heat well that don't make any sense to me. They were bigger, more deadly and had higher numbers. So If humans had so many dis advantages, that makes you think. Now the meteor theory, I call bull crap. If that happened, I see no way how it didn't take all the humans as well.

There you go guys. Dumb question, maybe it is. Let's try and have some interestion replies to this.