I lost my arms in a tragic chibi accident
Ohai, Kloe here, I dunno what to put here...
Kloe X Harold! :D

Also PM me if you want to, my inbox is open to talk :P

Also apparently I lost my arms in a tragic chibi accident... I just hope that doesn't make me the Phantom of the Klopera!
Remie and Alana
Confessions of Love appear as a duo of Magical Girls save the world!



[Play Time] Bullet Ballot Mafia

Yay! You're awake!
Well it's just, well, a guess. I do that a lot. Also people keep accusing you, but as I forgot to explain, I have least idea about you, you could literally be either, I just don't know! Really, you're probably not, but IDK and I get an odd feeling about this.

[Play Time] Bullet Ballot Mafia

Argh... How come everyone posts at like 2am-5am
Libby put it really well, "Timezones are a real bitch."
*after reading 40 posts*
Oh, okay, Well honestly, right now, I think this is my thoughts:
♦YM, Innocent, just a bit rubbish at times (no offence)
♥Kloe, Innocent but a bit bored, doesn't know what to do to help
♣oddRabbit, Innocent, I have the same feeling as I did about Piano being Mafia
♠Crystal, Innocent, but we've never actually challenged her about pretty much anything, if you're a mafia, good job Crystal!
•Maki, sorry, but I think you're probably a Mafia, sorry...
◘Jeroen, you'd be a perfect match for Piano on his team, but probably Innocent
Gourd, I never thought it was you, but recently... you seem a bit different...
◙And also Kloe is hungry and tired, I just woke up, read 40 posts, then posted this, so if I missed anything, just say!

[Play Time] Bullet Ballot Mafia

I meant why couldn't I be the killer, you don't KNOW I'm not...

Also why does everyone need to sleep so much... (= ̄ ρ ̄=) ..zzZZ
It's so hard to catch a killer when no-one is awake to say anything... Um... Any questions, any answers, any thoughts, anyone?

[Play Time] Bullet Ballot Mafia

Also it makes me feel a little left out... Why can't Kloe kill?

(Does anyone know how manu hours are left of this day phase?)

[Play Time] Bullet Ballot Mafia

Because almost everyone else has been challenged somehow, and it seems as if your overlooking me which means if the mafia is better than I am at going under the radar (which they probably are), we are in deep trouble. I'm innocent but haven't needed to defend myself which is odd, since if I were mafia, I would get away with it!

[Play Time] Bullet Ballot Mafia

Um... Well no, from what it seems, she nulled Piano's vote we assume was for odd.

And I don't think Maki IS innocent, and I can't remember anyone saying I wasn't innocent, which is weird, I am a bit confused that no-one has been like "IT WAS YOU, KLOE!" yet, but tbf it isn't me, so I guess thats okay.

[Play Time] Bullet Ballot Mafia

Anyone have any ideas whatsoever? Anyone wanna ask anything, accuse anyone, shout their theory, anything?

[Play Time] Bullet Ballot Mafia

Oh yeah, sorry, apparently we're just really forgetful...
Well, now that that is sorted, what now?

[Play Time] Bullet Ballot Mafia

Or maybe there is two null votes? Maybe the double vote got the null vote so they could double null vote!!

[Play Time] Bullet Ballot Mafia

Good to know, thankies!
I wanna know, who do we vote for today? I really have no idea, maybe YM or Maki, I don't know... No-one screams suspicious but those two have a little bit of suspiciousness