I lost my arms in a tragic chibi accident
Ohai, Kloe here, I dunno what to put here...
Kloe X Harold! :D

Also PM me if you want to, my inbox is open to talk :P

Also apparently I lost my arms in a tragic chibi accident... I just hope that doesn't make me the Phantom of the Klopera!
Remie and Alana
Confessions of Love appear as a duo of Magical Girls save the world!



[Play Time] Bullet Ballot Mafia

Kloe, you really want shade thrown at you that bad? The ONLY thing I could come up with for you is that you and piano orchestrated that overdramatic tirade to throw one of you under the bus to protect the other. But that is SO farfetched, I abandoned the idea quickly. That's all I got really.
Yeah I agree, especially since Kloe kind of just started attacking piano for no reason (there wasn't much suspicion against him at that point)

Eh, I just wanted to know what you guys though, and I sorta got bored of not defending myself... *yawn* I'll just reply to some things you guys have said instead...

In other news, I'm incredibly disturbed by crystal's point because it's very unlikely that mafia would forget who they killed.
It was just a fluke, right...? If YM and I are just two townies accusing each other than this town is being played by mafia...

That's what I'm thinking. SOMEONE is playing us, we know that, it's just who. I'm saying Maki, but that is literally just a guess.

I do not believe Kloe, Crystal or Jeroen lied. I know I didn't lie and the vote count is backing me up.

Um... Isn't there a double voter or am I mistaken? Also it sounds really different if you just take the first 5 words on their own, Lol.

I have nothing else to say, and not much to do for the next like 14 hours (except eat and Libby's stream later), so anything, just ask!

[Play Time] Bullet Ballot Mafia

Yay! You're awake!
Well it's just, well, a guess. I do that a lot. Also people keep accusing you, but as I forgot to explain, I have least idea about you, you could literally be either, I just don't know! Really, you're probably not, but IDK and I get an odd feeling about this.

[Play Time] Bullet Ballot Mafia

Argh... How come everyone posts at like 2am-5am
Libby put it really well, "Timezones are a real bitch."
*after reading 40 posts*
Oh, okay, Well honestly, right now, I think this is my thoughts:
♦YM, Innocent, just a bit rubbish at times (no offence)
♥Kloe, Innocent but a bit bored, doesn't know what to do to help
♣oddRabbit, Innocent, I have the same feeling as I did about Piano being Mafia
♠Crystal, Innocent, but we've never actually challenged her about pretty much anything, if you're a mafia, good job Crystal!
•Maki, sorry, but I think you're probably a Mafia, sorry...
◘Jeroen, you'd be a perfect match for Piano on his team, but probably Innocent
Gourd, I never thought it was you, but recently... you seem a bit different...
◙And also Kloe is hungry and tired, I just woke up, read 40 posts, then posted this, so if I missed anything, just say!

[Play Time] Bullet Ballot Mafia

I meant why couldn't I be the killer, you don't KNOW I'm not...

Also why does everyone need to sleep so much... (= ̄ ρ ̄=) ..zzZZ
It's so hard to catch a killer when no-one is awake to say anything... Um... Any questions, any answers, any thoughts, anyone?

[Play Time] Bullet Ballot Mafia

Also it makes me feel a little left out... Why can't Kloe kill?

(Does anyone know how manu hours are left of this day phase?)

[Play Time] Bullet Ballot Mafia

Because almost everyone else has been challenged somehow, and it seems as if your overlooking me which means if the mafia is better than I am at going under the radar (which they probably are), we are in deep trouble. I'm innocent but haven't needed to defend myself which is odd, since if I were mafia, I would get away with it!

[Play Time] Bullet Ballot Mafia

Um... Well no, from what it seems, she nulled Piano's vote we assume was for odd.

And I don't think Maki IS innocent, and I can't remember anyone saying I wasn't innocent, which is weird, I am a bit confused that no-one has been like "IT WAS YOU, KLOE!" yet, but tbf it isn't me, so I guess thats okay.

[Play Time] Bullet Ballot Mafia

Anyone have any ideas whatsoever? Anyone wanna ask anything, accuse anyone, shout their theory, anything?

[Play Time] Bullet Ballot Mafia

Oh yeah, sorry, apparently we're just really forgetful...
Well, now that that is sorted, what now?

[Play Time] Bullet Ballot Mafia

Or maybe there is two null votes? Maybe the double vote got the null vote so they could double null vote!!