

+++ DynRPG - The RM2k3 Plugin SDK +++

Well, I have 4.6.1, which is the one recommended...

+++ DynRPG - The RM2k3 Plugin SDK +++

Has anyone tried to work with the Public Member getMaxHp()?

I'm trying a fairly simple line, and I get an error popping up. The line:

max_HP[id] = battler->getMaxHp();

The error:

"Access violation in module "plugin_name.dll" with address 6AB81464 and offset 00000060 of type Read occurred"

The Screenshot Topic Returns

Why is it so monochrome? Art direction?

The Screenshot Topic Returns

so you took one of the best games ever made and reduced it to "lux learned cure!"


...So? He's free to create whatever he feels like creating. Or modify.

To stay on the topic of the screenshot: I like the art and the layout, but the info box clashes with the stylized font for stats.

[RM2k3] Accessing Stats in Battle

Here, I had this conversation with Cherry a year ago or so:

So sorry to keep bothering you, you must be super busy, and deep in tits and asses after all the work you did with the SDK.

Say, I have a question: I see that you can get the attributes of Battlers with RPG::Battler::getDefense(), for example, but... can you SET it?

My idea is to have the defense attrib for one boss be modified (Doubled, tripled, halved, w/e) when a certain spell is cast (by him). After 2-3 turns, the Defense goes back to normal.

I couldn't find a setter method, so I was wondering... how can I accomplish that?

Thanks in advance!

That's because the actual attribute value is calculated based on various factors: Basic settings (per level), equipment, conditions, adjustments one by "Change Ability" event commands...

Because of that, there is no actual DEF value, for example, only a method getDefense which calculates it. You can hover use the defenseDiff member (same for the other attributes). That's the difference from the default (default = basic stats + equipment + conditions). Please do not use "=" to change it (since this will override changes done by event commands like "Change Ability"), but only "+=" and "-=" to in-/decrease the attribute.

=== Is it okay if I publish this conversation? Others might have the same question. Next time, please ask in the thread!

Best regards,

You can use the question, no problem.

So I can just use RPG::Actor::defenseDiff += 30; and that will increase the defense of the actor?

Exactly. Of course not the way you wrote it now (RPG::Actor::defenseDiff += 30) but by actually using a particular actor, like

RPG::actors(3)->defenseDiff += 30; <-- Brackets changed to parenthesis

Hope it helps.

Male US Voices needed

This is segregation and I'm offended.

[Plug-in] [rm2k3] Animated Monsters Plugin

This is great. Good job man, good job!

[Plug-in] [rm2k3] Animated Monsters Plugin

I think it's because it uses the winAPI, and it may cause conflicts. Dunno.

[Plug-in] [rm2k3] Animated Monsters Plugin

Having tinkered minus ten times with how the DynRPG works, and like 1,5 times with C++... a quick google search turned up this:

(Apparently, it works)

#include <windows.h>
#include <string>

bool dirExists(const std::string& dirName_in)
DWORD ftyp = GetFileAttributesA(dirName_in.c_str());
return false; //something is wrong with your path!

return true; // this is a directory!

return false; // this is not a directory!

I think that you can check for folder name using the MonsterName and if it doesn't exist, then skip animating it. Anyway, I'm probably wrong and out of context.

The Screenshot Topic Returns