

[2K3] Inverting HP/MP

TBH, I never cared much for that. Using the FF VII example, there aren't spells that need that much MP anyway, unless you were miming a W-Summon.

[2K3] Inverting HP/MP

That is what I'm saying. You check first if the new MP value is higher than the old one, you set it to old one, using Change MP command; it it isn't higher, then use the new one, using the same command.

[2K3] Inverting HP/MP


I think I'd do it this way:

1 set of variables for current HP and MP

1 set of variables for the new HP and MP. Set them all to the appropriate amounts:

Var 1 set to Max HP

Var 2 set to Max MP

Var 3 set to Var 2 * 10 (as to make HP the MP *10 value)

Var 4 set to Var 1 / 10 (as to make MP the HP /10 Value)

Then, we check:

If Var 4 is higher or equal than Var 2, then you set up the Max MP to Var 2;
else, set it to Var 4

Do the same for HP, if it makes sense.

CSS: Help Please

I'm pretty sure the double quote is invalid. Try it with single quote.

CSS: Help Please

Read this as well: Article in RMN

Read the comments section because some selectors were changed and the original tutorial does not reflect them.

CSS: Help Please

If that works, I'd be stumped.

You have 3 ways of using CSS, but I'm only going to talk about 2 of them: CSS in the HTML and importing CSS. You will be using the first one. The other one involves having an external CSS document and importing it into the HTML doc.

To use CSS declarations, you use the <style> tag. In it, you declare how the different HTML blocks or components (body, p, a, div, etc) will be shown. You can ALSO do this in each individual HTML tag (For example, <a href="..." style="...">), but I wouldn't reccommend it.

So, to address your code:

You open the <style> tag (Which is done inside the <head> tag)... but you don't close it; do it with </style> (HAH!). In it, you declare the properties for the <body> element. You do it by writing the properties inside brackets (You're doing it right). Each declaration needs to end with a ";".

See, if you were, for example, to write:

p {

then, in every instance of <p> (paragraph) of your HTML document, your text would be bolded. All you have to do is USE the <p> tag. That's like telling the browser "Hey, when you see THIS -> <p>, paint it like THIS -> bold"

OK, next. I see you closing the </body> tag, but I don't see you opening it, which is why it would be very surprising if it worked.

I read somewhere that you wanted to have transparency, somehow, right? I don't see it anywhere in the CSS code. You need to include this:

filter:alpha(opacity=40); /* For IE8 and earlier */

See, IE9, Firefox, Chrome and Safari (and others) use "opacity" to display transparency. IE8 and earlier use that filter, so your code is cross-browser, you use both statements. Opacity goes from 0.0 (clear) to 1.0 (opaque); Alpha goes from 0 (clear) to 100 (opaque).

So, this is all very very very basic. You should read the documentation. See here: W3 CSS

CSS: Help Please

What is the code you're using, and what are you trying to accomplish?

Please have in mind that CSS is not a language, it's just a set of instructions on how to show content; it basically tells a browser how to display HTML blocks.

CSS code help

Check the comment sections, some things have changed

[2k3] Character Passive Abilities

I am checking on onBattlerDrawn yeah, so it's correct. Good to know!

[2k3] Character Passive Abilities

Just a question, maaaaaybe going a little offtopic:

When checking if the battler is not a monster I go:

if (!isMonster){

Is that wrong? I see you do it differently. Maybe I'm doing it wrong.