I enjoy playing and creating games (mostly RPGs) and have a love of story and characterisation above graphics. I've been into RM* since '96 and have used all makers - started on the PSX makers, found and used a patched version of the SNES RM, then moved to RM95. When I found RM2K I finally decided to join some forums and I've been a part of the community ever since.

Absolute Justice

Site last broken: 7th January, 2017
Before that: 24th May 2016
Wolf and Kid
Save your best friend, a wolf.



So I'm back where I started. But hopefully this actually lets me continue.

Neat. Hopefully all that work bears fruit for you and makes your game better. :)


Sweetie, you need to host that file somewhere online first, then post the link to it. If you hover over your name at the top of the screen a drop-down menu will appear and there will be a link to Locker. That's a place you can host files, but be warned, if the file is too large it won't work. Pictures and word documents work best in your locker, and you'll be provided with a link too.

What kind of file is gpd, by the way?

That feeling that you felt that you don't have much to show but apparently you did a lot! I did so much work this month I'm so happy ~

Good job Nessy~

Wondering if html works in the status. Apparently not. >.<; Also, images and/or links:

Well, kinda. I was looking for a link that, when clicked on on the normal page, would take you to the link location. A la RMW. Oh well, this'll do I guess.

Wondering if html works in the status. Apparently not. >.<; Also, images and/or links:

Dunno what dis does but I'm a-checking~

You can appear offline via settings.

Dunno what dis does but I'm a-checking~

I know~ Sweet! <3
New RMN is best RMN!