I make visual novels using RPG Maker. And I also made an RPG about Obama once that never got finished.
Danganronpa Forge:Re
A group of people are trapped on and island and forced to kill each other to survive.



Danganronpa Forge:Re

is this a demo? how many chapters for full game?

It was just an April Fool's joke. Sorry if that wasn't obvious. :P

But to answer your second question, there'll be a prologue, six chapters, and an epilogue.

Danganronpa Forge:Re

Can't wait to play it! just a question, can I still enjoy the game even if I have played only some of the characters original games (Persona 3-4, All ace attorney and danganronpa games)?

Absolutely. The only games that are one-hundred percent required reading are Danganronpa 1 and 2, as Forge:Re explicitly spoils them. With that, I like to recommend reading V3, but it sounds like you've already got that well in hand. Additionally, Forge:Re spoils Hanako's route from Katawa Shoujo, but reading it isn't necessary, as Forge:Re basically includes an abridged recap of it. While there are plenty of nods and references to other characters' properties, I did my best to avoid spoiling anything from them, and you should enjoy the game just fine.

Who Wants Early Access?

If you could possibly post your twitter here, I'll also follow it and send you my Discord there!

For anyone wondering, my Twitter handle is @Marche100. It's no different than my handle here. Feel free to follow me/hit me up there whenever.

Danganronpa Forge:Re

just curious but how much playtime for episode 1?

I would say somewhere in the neighborhood of 5 or 6 hours. Still, I wouldn't worry about it too much.

I'll be bringing this up in the next update, but I'm strongly considering throwing out the staggered release idea and just dropping Chapters 1-5 all at onceā€”as soon as they're ready. And once you put Chapters 2-5 in the mix, you're looking at something more along the lines of 40-50 hours in length (which in itself is longer than Danganronpa 1/2 were. Not sure about V3).

So, I wouldn't worry about blazing through it in a single sitting after waiting for it for so long. If we do go that route, you'll have several days if not weeks (depending) of content to play through.

Danganronpa Forge:Re

still waiting for another progress report after he said "see you all in february"

I'm planning to post one right about in the middle of the month. Generally, I'm trying to make progress reports a monthly sort of thing. But mostly I'd just like to get a few more things squared away before the next report.

Heaps and Heaps of Editing

If you're having size issues, might I suggest converting your music to OGG? I've found that it dramatically reduces filesize. I use twisted wave online to convert my music and snip it so it loops properly.

If you decrease the bitrate as well, the file gets even smaller with no real audible difference as far as I can tell. It would probably be pretty tedious to do that to 125 songs, but it'll shrink your game smaller than the portion sizes at a five star restaurant.

I think I will convert them to OGG, but I'll do it at the end of development. Not going to bother with it at the moment, since that's just a tedious timesink on top of what's already become too much of a timesink for my tastes.

Heaps and Heaps of Editing

Is this game gonna be super gigantic in file size? 125 songs is a lot, so I'm hoping they're in a format where they take up less space.
I mean, I was already expecting this game to be pretty big, so if it is huge, I wouldn't be too surprised, but just curious.

So far the game only takes up 715 MB in space (uncompressed of course), so I don't think it's going to end up being THAT big. If I had to guess I'd say it'll probably end up around 1.5 GB at worst once all's said and done, but even that sounds like I'm overshooting it. Either way, I doubt it'll be so large that it takes up too much disk space/takes too long to download.

Wow, Look, Progress!

Well, as long as you don't burn yourself out on development, work as long as you want! I'm glad to hear this game is still alive, since I've been anticipating DRV3 for a while now, so keep up the good work as usual!

My goal is to hopefully finish making the game before V3 comes out in English. 'Cause then I can cash in on all the people waiting for V3 and say "hey, here's a Danganronpa game for you to play while you wait!" Haha. We'll see how it goes. But for now, I'm having a blast working on it again. Things are getting more fun now that I'm working on Chapter 2 and relationships/personalities are getting more fleshed out.

Mid-October Progress Report

author=Yellow Magic
Yu's glasses are pretty swag. Is he gonna serve as a prosecutor, defense or witness in this game, or is that just a placeholder image for now?

Also if you don't finish the case you could always send Persona 5 to me.....

I just threw Yu in as a placeholder for these particular graphics. I wanted to have one of the characters in the background, since that's what it'll be like in game when these graphics come up.

As for whether he's on the prosecution, defense, or if he's a witness...that's entirely dependent on the case. Different characters will be have different roles in each case. So in one case a character might be on the defense. In the next case they might be on the prosecution. In the next case they might just be in the jury. In one case they might be a witness. It depends. I think that'll mix things up from case to case, so you never have the same combination of enemies/allies.

But also keep in mind that someone has to die for there to be a first case. So someone's not going to make it to the first trial, and that could very well be Yu.

Game Testers Wanted, Some Questions, and a Brief Progress Report

Hi! Are you still looking for Beta testers? Or are you set?

I could still use another beta tester or two! I take it you're interested?
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