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What do you think of online play?

"Frankly, I'm a little concerned..."

How tolerant are you to legitimately difficult bosses?

wait there was a shining force IV????

^---I also had this reaction.

My Girlfriend is Having an Emotional Affair

I don't have any advice for you, Abley, but I bet my friend Dexter Morgan does...

-nods knowingly-

Your Game Sucks

@Wolfcoder: Why must you find every possible way to relate coding in every single post?
Perhaps that's because I'm *ahem* the WOLF CODER.

Yes, but are you a wolf?

I wrote you some haikus

And a limerick. It's my new method of reviewing games.

I have that soundtrack
And it lags my computer.
Your game sucks.

I could not play it.
Got the worst type of error.
File not found.

It's not that you use RTP
In fact that fills me with glee
But the writing is poor
And the characters are a bore
That really kills reviewers like me.

Your oponion about "RTP Games"

VX RTP bashing coming in T-Minus: 5 posts...

Correct me if I'm wrong


I approve of this.

I guess what I'm glibly trying to say is that politics is easiest thing to involve yourself in. Anybody can do it. The realization, however, that nobody agrees with each other and everybody has thousands of different opinions isn't easy to swallow.

Two party system sucks? Sure. Not American? That's a bummer. But you're only as involved as you make yourself be. And while I understand how outsiders would be interested in a particular country's politics considering the sphere of influence, I'd contest that it's not nearly as bad as you make it out to be.

Correct me if I'm wrong

No, the system is still working as intended.

Vote for candidates looking to nuke the shit out of America. There you go.

Correct me if I'm wrong

The system is working as intended.

It's your own fault if you're unhappy with the system.