

RMNCast - Now Hiring!

Just wanted to thank everyone who's sent an e-mail, chances are I've probably gotten it.

This is an open invitation to all, so if you're still interested, feel free to fire off an e-mail.

KCA Fanart

Fun fact:

Brickroad linked me to this thread.

But you didn't hear that from me.

RMNCast - Now Hiring!

RMN is looking for wonderfully dulcet individuals to partake in it's infrequent podcast.

  • You must have a decent microphone.
  • You must have access to Skype.
  • You must be an RMN regular - able to know recent events and possibly having partaken in them.

If you're still interested, send a PM to me (McDohl). Be sure to include what games you've worked on, the time zone you're in, days and times you can record (it has taken up to several hours for one podcast) and why you're interested. More articulate individuals will get priority over those who aren't. Nothing personal, but I'm shy and not exactly the most verbose person at times; not to mention that I'll be spearheading this without my co-host, who is usually in charge of these things so there's a bit of anxiety as well.

I can't give a time as to when I'll start getting around to this (possibly soon since I have some free time again), but having everything on file and organized will much more easily motivate me into doing so.

Karsu tells me PMs don't work necessarily. So, instead, I'll update this message when I come up with a reliable way to contact me. PM at your own risk!

Any questions, post them here.

E-mail instead of using PMs. Be sure to include your RMN alias too, so I know who you are.

Snews vs RMNCast

If anyone is interested in being on the podcast, leave me a message in my inbox.

Assuming they work. I don't know if they've been fixed or not.