

Project Questing

At some point down the line, I would like to add customization. However, as you pointed out, the problem is trying to fit customization with already established characters. They have to fit with the story, they have to be correctly balanced, etc. I might put in sub-classes as an option, but I haven't too much thought into it.

A "Not Reviewed Yet" section on the front page.

There is already a button to get a page of random games on the RMN4 frontpage.

(we really did try to put some thought into RMN4's frontpage!)

Awesome, thanks for the reply. =D

A "Not Reviewed Yet" section on the front page.

Abusing the system is not the thing I wanted to discuss. -_-

I was wondering if it were possible to be on the front page legitimately. Like a section that says, these games haven't been reviewed yet, or what's popular on RMN, etc.

A "Not Reviewed Yet" section on the front page.

Possible to have one? Or like tracking what's hot or whatever.

I noticed an increase in downloads when my game got on the front page. The front page effect could do games some good.

Project Questing

There is some kind of bug at the beggining, in that stairs puzzle... I pressed the first red button but now the stair leading out disappeared and I'm stuck.

Ah, I thought I had squashed those bugs, but I guess it slipped by me. >< The wrong switch gets turned off when you press the lever a second time. You'll have to start over. =(

What Happened Last Night

I must say that I like how this site has handled the drama. I missed most of the arguing and I haven't seen much residue lingering around aside from the people quitting as a means of protest (or starving for attention). Despite the "censorship" going on, I'm glad this site is being moderated.

The Front Page

Who would you suggest would determine what is a good blog? Members? The staff? Could you develop about this?

It should be the staff who decides what gets on the front page. When people post cool art, informative posts, or something really interesting, those types of blogs ought to be featured.

The Front Page

The best solution would be to feature good blogs on the front page, while putting the latest blogs in a separate link. I'm not sure about how much man-power it would involve, but if it's reasonable, I think that would be best for the site. Blogs would not be cluttered with "I ate doritos" and meaningless banter, while good blogs would only be replaced by, well, good blogs. Again, I don't know how much man power that would require, so it may not be a good idea.

In regards to limiting posts, a cool-down period on submitting anything would only hurt more than it would help. If a team is posting things in succession, then it shouldn't be too much of a problem. If there's lots of interesting topics that beg for replying, why shouldn't we reply to all of them? When you get into spam and all that jazz, then action is expected to be taken, but combating spam should not be at the expense of the community.

References in gaems

I like putting references into my games. I do lack some subtlety when I put them in, but that's usually part of the joke. If people like putting them in, I don't mind it. However, in any game, I don't want to be betrayed by Judas or something cheesy like that. That's where I draw the line.

A Mapping contest!

It does take longer, but you're designing one map. It's not much of a handicap.
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