The 524 is for 524 Stone Crabs
I'm an artist and animator who loves making games in my currently vast amounts of spare time.

I also enjoy messing with people. :P

Check out my games!
Oblivion Quest
A FF-styled JRPG with a Classic Twist!



Pokemon Roster

Crabammer, the evolved form of Crabang, is also up now, and I finally got transparency working! xD

Pokemon Roster

Hey i was thinking about making some fan "posters" could I get some close ups of a certain couple of 'mons?
heres the list:
Joubush, Dragablo, Serempity, Quodash, Alampita
Chi-yim, Seradim, Limbatent, Tricalp, Atavism
Bigfoot, Equistro, Torchgeist, Platossus, Dirangers (lol my favorite)
Raisicle, Muspyg, Vulkanylos, Byakestial
i understand if you dont have time, but i would really appreciate this. thank you.

I have some slightly outdated concept art for Joubush,Dragablo,Serempity,Alampita and Chi-Yim, but otherwise getting the rest to you is difficult for the following reasons:
> Not all of these game sprites were drawn beforehand, so I don't have a huge selection of updated concept art for each Pokemon.
> Seradim (You mean Meryphim?), Tricalp, Equistro, Torgheist, and Plantossus' sprites were made by Miracle and I don't know if he has any close-up concept art for his sprite redesigns. You'd have to ask him.

I could try to make some full artwork and/or turn-arounds for you to refer to, but right now I've got a heavy plate in both making a playable demo for this game and other things I need to take care of in real life. For now, I recommend that you aim small with your poster concepts if you're really desperate to make some.


sorry don't mean to pester you but i find the "mlg nerd" comment a bit uncalled for as well as offensive. I happen to be a professional VGC player. you don't need to remove it. this is more a declaration than a complaint. just wanted to let you know its a tad bit offensive. big fan of the game! And looking forward to it's release!

While it's an area of gaming that I'm not personally interested in, I never intended to describe anyone as an "MLG nerd" in the form of a disparaging remark.

I'm sorry that you took it as such, though, and I'll actually remove it in response. Thanks!

Pokemon Roster

The Bulvine line is now complete, and I started on Pupictya. Apparently, even though I set a transparent background in GIMP, this image still shows a white background. >_<

Battle Mechanics

Where is the "normal battle" type?