Sir Redd of Novus: He who made Prayer of the Faithless that one time, and that was pretty dang rad! :D
RMN's Most Humblest!

Prayer of the Faithless
On the brink of the apocalypse, two friends struggle to find what is worth saving



I've learned more about game development on a team in the last week than I have on my own in the past 6 months.

Who, Sooz? Yeah, I understand. She's incredibly talented!

... You gave me that medal for a reason, you know.

"The Quest for RMN" - Sign Ups

Sure. Count me in too.

What should the dimensions of our sprites be? Are you going to use XP or VX?

I don't understand why Slimes are the weakest enemies in most RPGs. Wouldn't a creature made of a heavily viscous fluid, probably has no nervous system, and completely amorphous be at least slightly immune to physical attacks?

Ratty: You must be fun at parties.

All joking aside, a creature made of fluid, no nervous system, and completely amorphous probably would be able to fight you very effectively. Have you tried to fight a jellyfish out of water? I can tell you from experience that they're pretty easy to deal with.

"The Quest for RMN" - Sign Ups

So are these characters actual users of this site, or do we make up our own characters?