

The Reconstruction

Wow. I just finished the game last night. I uh...I think my head's spinning a bit. I started writing a few notes about what to say and it got to a page and half just from an outline. I hope you don't mind long comments and lots and lots of questions. ^^; I'll try and split things up so I don't say everything in one gigantic post.

I don't think I'm ever going to forget this experience.

Hahaha wow I feel silly now for saying how the humor was the best part. Perhaps then, and I did love it but maaaaan. Big things, deep themes, so much character development. Anyway, let's start with the most important things.

First off, I can't find the fourth hunter in Fero's sidequest for the life of me. I got one from every main city but Wadassia (and of course Do'sShaa) I searched everywhere and even the recurring side-quests in Wadassia, but nothing...

Also, I hope I got every sidequest. I feel like Zargos, Ques, Lani, and Rehm could have gotten one, but I didn't see it.

Next some story questions. First, why does everybody on TVtropes assume Mahk is dead? He could have survived, and Tez seems pretty certain he's ok from what I could gather in the end.

Also, did you purposefully leave it open to guess if the guys really meant to kidnap Xobi? I know they said they just wanted to protect him, still seems suspicious.

Finally, why was the Voice Himself, aka probably Willis and co. so concerned with our heroes fulfilling emotional requirements and life lessons? I thought he was only concerned with latent energy use, and lots of people had that in spades. Am I just forgetting something from IMTS? There was a lot to take in with both games and I admit I kind of sped through them a bit. But I just...don't quite get the connection between games there. What would doing another cycle even accomplish?

Whew. Next post I'll analyze characters. But I gotta say that I just loved the way you foreshadowed so much. I'm glad I looked over TVTropes because there's a fair amount I would have missed (I'm not good at remembering all the names >_>) The way such small details all over the place connect makes the world feel so alive. I'll need to go through this game a second time at a later date. The way there's so many characters will let my be able to do that and still keep things fresh.

The ending was just so darn satisfying. Your story telling is so good it makes me rather sad that The Drop won't have a lot of writing to be honest. But consider yourself has having a new fan.

...speaking of which is there anyway to comment on your articles? Your ideas and discussion are always interesting.

The Reconstruction

Thank you thank you thank you! :) I'll give all relevant information in the e-mail

Ah, that does make more sense with it being MP too. I do perfectly understand it being more expensive, I just don't like how it makes stuff like defense and attack be a lot more expensive afterwards as well. For instance, buying one defense and then one health is a LOT cheaper than being one health and then one defense. Maybe it would have been better at just being a raw 1k higher than your current cost, but only increase it by 2-300?

Also, I feel like I should comment on the command chain system. At first I really hated it, since it's much more efficient to just use attack ones to kill enemies quickly, and how one wrong move can reset it all, not to mention it all being so darn random. However, the fact that it makes attacking vs having future attacks be stronger such a hard decision is actually a good thing in the end, so nice job with that. The machines starting to carry it over is also really helpful. I do wish I had some white skills that could to damage, though. I also wish I had some sort of clue on exactly how much it increased your power, but that's something probably best left discovered by the player.

The Reconstruction

Thanks for the response, now to play through all of Chapter two again...I don't suppose there anyway to just take a save file from the beginning of Chapter 3 from somewhere?

Either way, time for a few general mechanical issues before I talk about what I like. The idea of upgrading the amount of 'HP' causing every other upgrade to increase by 1k instead of 100 causes me to only want to upgrade 'defense' so to speak. It seems fairly unbalanced to make willpower increases cost more after increasing soul, especially as time goes on and you have more and more points. It's more efficient to just upgrade defense, except perhaps at the very end of the game when you're putting in your final amount of points. Also, it means that if everybody's getting equal essence, then people who are 'weak' in certain areas eventually have a much higher defense than others strong on that, since they won't be breaking up their points between attack and defense.

Also assigning the entire group manually every time I want to update the party's pretty darn annoying. However, both of these issues are either not existent or fixed in IMTS, so I assume you already know all of that. XD

I only really have one issue with the story so far. In Nal, you say that Dehl would have been kidnapped and forced into slavery if he didn't have his sword...and on the same screen there's a free Shra that doesn't seem to have any weapons and is tending his own garden. How...does that even work? Is it just because Dehl's an outsider?

And now onto the good stuff. Man that world's great. The way you have depth to everything going on in world that clearly stands on its own is really refreshing. Did you make your own languages? I notice the patterns and reoccurring words seem to indicate that. Also, I know people have already said this but man Dehl is awesome. The defining moment to me was when the person almost beat him for running into him, and he even went off to heal him after being fire blasted...even if it was likely the guy would still be angry and try to beat him for it. The fact that we never saw exactly what happened (a good thing mind you) makes me wonder if that really did happen. Also the way he (And the captain) casually mention being enslaved is...unnerving.

What I've really enjoyed, aside from the storytelling (holy crap the final mission to chapter 2, man I wasn't expecting that ;-;) is just the humor. This wasn't really in IMTS, and I don't blame you for that, I think it was better for it. However, it fits in just so well here and has made me laugh quite often. My favorite so far was the stealth mission in the interlude before chapter 2 (the only reason I had an extra save file actually - I did it to replay that part and see everything)

The overall style of game-play is also different enough from IMTS to feel new and yet still similar to have your own style.

Question - For IMTS and this game, how much of the music did you do yourself? The way the ending theme was used during the final battle in IMTS was... heart wrenching to say the least.

The Reconstruction

I'm having a save issue. I just finished the mission in Fortiel with the red lizards. I missed the two that you need multiple people to capture and ended the mission (I didn't realize you probably just needed to go back to that area and not restart)

Anyway, after that I saved and got a very odd error message that I can't remember. Now every time I try to restart the game and press continue story I get this error message.

Script 'Window_Savefile' line 30 EOFError occurred
End of file reached

Then it crashes. I tried restarting a game to see if that would fix it, but just got that same message when I tried to save and it crashed again. It's probably with the Save 1 data, since it's size is only 1 KB compared with Save 2 (a previous save) of around 60 KB. Should I just erase that and continue with my old file? I want to make sure because it's about 4 hours earlier that I'd need to go through all over again.

And just so this post isn't all gloom, I absolutely loooooooved I Miss the Sunrise and started playing this because of how amazing it was, and this hasn't disappointed at all. Although there was another odd bug I had where after investigating and item as Dehl during the final dungeon of Chapter one I could no longer change least I think that was the trigger. Either way I had to restart once and nearly again a second time when it stopped letting me switch right before the boss.

But seriously, you're amazingly talented. The story, characters, music, man. I'll go on about that all later for sure in another post.