I am into just about every genre of game really. My brother and I grew up dabbling in RM2k3 on occasion to the point where hearing the RTP soundtrack brings a wave of nostalgia, so I'm most familiar with that engine as far as RPGMaker goes.

Check out my game I'm working on!

Legend of Alkior: The Impending Storm
Tension between two kingdoms rises as the seal on the renegade archmage, Xargath, inevitably fades and must be promptly restored.
Legend of Alkior: The Im...
Tension between two kingdoms rises as the seal on the renegade archmage, Xargath, inevitably fades and must be promptly restored.



Game denied. My mapping needs "some pretty serious help." That's less than helpful...

I really like your train of thought on this matter. Where do you think realism would go on this list? And by realism, I just mean things making logical sense. I would say that it's tied into functionality to some degree, especially if you can't walk on top of a seemingly flat tile of grass or if you can phase through walls, etc.

Game denied. My mapping needs "some pretty serious help." That's less than helpful...

For the record, I denied this game, not Deckiller.

I did so largely on the basis of this screenshot:

Very jumbled, lots of misused tiles. I am glad to see this is the exact issue that's been worked on in this thread! Thank you to everyone who stepped up to help.

I do think Carlsev Saga is an example of a game that uses these tiles well, so I still suggest checking it out if you haven't. Also check out Ara Fell if you want to make things REALLY pretty, just be careful that it doesn't also become hard to navigate!

Yes, I really appreciate all the feedback! And the waterfall definitely looks silly with no other knowledge of the game. Redoing it also helped my goal with this map of making it feel very open (i.e. less black ceiling tile in places).

Although, would doing something like in this screenshot (but to a less blocky degree) be alright if this location were deep underground and there was water falling from the ceiling?

Game denied. My mapping needs "some pretty serious help." That's less than helpful...

I'm putting the last touch on this map with those rocks along the river that were mentioned, but I wasn't sure if that suggestion was supposed to go at floor level or water level.


Ok, here's an update on my map:

Temple v2.5

Game denied. My mapping needs "some pretty serious help." That's less than helpful...

I dunno what the big fuss is about. My mapping is loads more horrible.

Well, I guess the difference is that some points in my game are for quality (mainly the coding), and some are for parody.

With a game, you need to either go completely serious and organized, or go even more crazy in your mapping (here's my worldmap, see if you can tell me what's weird about it) and have a devil-may-care attitude about it, but be serious about the plot and the bug checking issues.

I'm guessing this is still a WIP, but I would suggest either making your islands/continents simpler/smaller or add more detail to the larger continents. I would decide ahead of time what I want my world map to be. Some world maps are very condensed, and are just meant to give the player a quick transition to the next location, or you could do something more explorative (I'm guessing that's what you wanted). Will you have battles on your world map? Choose the purpose of your world map. Also, think about if you will ever give the player some mode of transportation to travel faster when spacing things out.

And is that Giant Octopus Island?! :)

Also, I want to focus more on behind-the-scenes quality as well with code/scripting, etc. but that's not something you can see when deciding whether to accept a game submission. Looks are always the first impression (and that goes for just about anything really).

@Lucidstilness, Alright, I'll see what I can do.

Game denied. My mapping needs "some pretty serious help." That's less than helpful...

Yeah, if you are going to have square edges to the bank, I think it would look more natural to line the river with a stone edge. You could keep some of the grass on the floor, as some temples are overgrown with foliage in real life.

Do you just mean a few rock objects? Or stone floor tiles?

Game denied. My mapping needs "some pretty serious help." That's less than helpful...

Yeah, I was looking very carefully at heights when reconstructing the middle floor thing in the upper right above the river. However, finding the right balance between matching the ceiling tiles with the walls to some extent while doing a sort of "cutaway" view can be a bit difficult sometimes.

Some of your heights are quite off. Here's a picture to show you. There may be more I missed. It's getting better, though. Don't give up hope!

All agreeable fixes. I never even noticed the minus 1 on the left side, and that's been there the longest!

I actually think the temple layout with the water looks pretty creative and interesting, but I think you should do as LockeZ has suggested and use tiles that fit the square edge of the water (perhaps have a perimeter of stone tiles surrounding the water's edge?).

I don't quite follow. Do you mean basically line the river with stone on the floor level? Or use different walls for the little walls above the river?

Game denied. My mapping needs "some pretty serious help." That's less than helpful...

Thanks for the in-depth reply!

There is another waterfall perpendicular to the plane of view in the upper right. I'm going to add an event so you can see a splash at the bottom. I removed the arches because of symmetry. I would have to find/make another arch sprite that matches the other ones, or make an extension. I think I could do that myself.

I like the idea of different color stone on different floors for clarity's sake. I will find another stone graphic to add to the tileset.

And yeah, that specific kind of stone is not walkable. I was using it as a sort of railing.


This is a much older pic, but I have a newer/better one uploaded here as well.

Game denied. My mapping needs "some pretty serious help." That's less than helpful...

Hey guys, could you judge my revised main temple room? Thanks!

Old Temple

New Temple

Game denied. My mapping needs "some pretty serious help." That's less than helpful...

Oh yeah, I noticed that. Thanks!