I am into just about every genre of game really. My brother and I grew up dabbling in RM2k3 on occasion to the point where hearing the RTP soundtrack brings a wave of nostalgia, so I'm most familiar with that engine as far as RPGMaker goes.

Check out my game I'm working on!

Legend of Alkior: The Impending Storm
Tension between two kingdoms rises as the seal on the renegade archmage, Xargath, inevitably fades and must be promptly restored.
Legend of Alkior: The Im...
Tension between two kingdoms rises as the seal on the renegade archmage, Xargath, inevitably fades and must be promptly restored.



[RM2K3] Any 2k3 Battle Tips or Pointers?

bugmenot made a thing (for v1.08) that makes some of your skills affected by accuracy, so Blind would still work, but then there are a few other standard conditions that you might have to look out for:

Silence- "regular attack" skill could become disabled
Confusion/anything else that has the enemy being forced to attack- they will use the "regular attack" command instead of your special regular attack skill

In DynRPG.ini, under QuickPatches, try:

for skills with ID 1-100,
;allow evasion if the Skill_ID is below a certain number

;other skills go by skill success rate only

The number after % can be changed but I am not sure if there was a limit on that value (probably was though).

The official English 2k3 version is out!

(For example, a skill with high ATK influence and low INT influence may do 0 damage versus an enemy with lower DEF but very high INT. Basically, it currently works how GreatRedSpirit didn't describe it. The two parts of the formula mix in a sense, but damage dealt can never go below 0 (heal the target).)
Whoops, that's what I get for running my mouth off! Thanks for correcting me.

Not that what I said was incorrect, but I realized that the user and target stats would have a greater effect on whether a skill dealt a nonzero amount of damage, assuming ATK and INT influence are both greater than zero. So character stats are still important to consider for final damage output, obviously.

The official English 2k3 version is out!

I'd like to add some more to the RM2k3 Damage Formula discussion because this is one of the things I would very much like in the official English release:

  • Some way to at least modify the denominators in the damage formula (as opposed to outrage changing the entire formulas)

With the super high denominators in the current damage formulas and the way that integer division works, it is usless to raise a certain stat by a value that is less than the corresponding denominator in the damage formula. For example, basic attacks deal (Attacker's ATK / 2) - (Target's DEF / 4) in damage, so if you are raising stats slowly, there will be no difference until you reach a total benchmark increase of at least 4 DEF. This becomes even worse when you consider the defensive properties of INT and how it would have to increase in 8 point increments to just block a paltry 1 damage (when the INT influence of the skill is 10). Craze's guide helps remedy this to some extent but the integer division issue as I've described here is still present.

Thanks to a quick patch from bugmenot a while back, I have been able to change the basic attack damage formula for RM2k3 v1.08 to (2*Attacker's ATK - Target's DEF), as well as reducing the denominators of the other forumlas simultaneously.

Hopefully, basic remedies such as these will be allowed in future updates to the official English release.


By the way, here are a couple other things about the skill damage formula if it was not clear to some people (how it works in RM2k3 v1.08 anyways):

(I was going to quote GreatRedSpirit from right above but I don't know how to get brackets to show up on this site for the life of me lol.)

  • If a skill has an ATK influence greater than 0, that skill will be affected by the target’s DEF. If a skill has an INT influence greater than 0, that skill will be affected by the target’s INT. A skill with both an ATK influence AND INT influence greater than 0 will be affected by the target's DEF and INT.
  • (For example, a skill with high ATK influence and low INT influence may do 0 damage versus an enemy with lower DEF but very high INT. Basically, it currently works how GreatRedSpirit didn't describe it. The two parts of the formula mix in a sense, but damage dealt can never go below 0 (heal the target).)
  • A skill that “ignores defense” (using the checkbox option for a skill) ignores target DEF and target INT in calculations.


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention how, yeah, this formula looks like the skill formula that many of us have seen before, but there seem to be extra "divide by 2's" thrown in there?

R = B + (A-D/2) * H/20 + (I-J/2) * M/40

This is probably not accurate for RM2k3 anyways if it was pulled from RPG Maker 2009 Ultimate.

The official English 2k3 version is out!

I found this in Battle Formula page of the help file. This in particular looked new. Someone care to explain? Thanks.

· The formula for the effect of a skill is:

R = B + (A-D/2) * H/20 + (I-J/2) * M/40

R: Result

B: Basic Effect

H: Hit Chance

M: Mind Chance

A: ATK of attacker

D: DEF of target

I: INT of attacker

J: INT of target

This also didn't make sense with this also being in the battle formula:

Effect = Base effect + (A's attack x Physical Rate / 20) + (A's mind x Magical Rate / 40)

The official English 2k3 version is out!

Is anyone else experiencing the issue of not being about to create the installation file for your game?

I have tried everything and I just cannot export it.

Also I cant get the title screen layout to show, everytime I pull it up, it is just a blue screen

You may be using test mode with the "Do not display title screen" option turned on.

The official English 2k3 version is out!

>You are about to install RPG Maker 2003.

>Disk space required: 30 MB


The official English 2k3 version is out!

Could someone post the full changelog of EVERYTHING past RM2k3 v1.08, including v1.09 and anything else before this newest Steam version?

The official English 2k3 version is out!

I imported EJ, but I couldn't do a whole lot since it relies so heavily on patches and plugins. It loaded though! The new rendering engine is very nice!

So do patches and plug-ins have zero functionality in this new version? Or is there some way to get them to work, regardless of the current "official" support?

The official English 2k3 version is out!

I'm confused about the difference between using patches and doing reverse engineering, regarding official support.

The official English 2k3 version is out!

This has made my day, even if trying to convert my game breaks a bunch of stuff! =)