I am amateur game developer, and even more amateur reviewer, currently in and out of college.

I am currently developing a game called Eternity: The Black Star along with Solitayre, which is nearing its first release.

I have extremely high standards, so please don't be offended if you believe that I have reviewed your game unfairly. My focus is on improving the body of a work primarily by pointing out what I think are its flaws, but feel free to ignore me if I am wrong (and I will be).



Iron Gaia: Virus Review

When reviewing a game it can be easy to forget that the creator made this on their own time and probably worked hard on it. I did not think this review has especially cruel, but it certainly wasn't polite either. On a site like this, the game's creator will almost certainly read every review. Therefore I believe that every review should be written directed primarily at them.

This is exactly why I write my reviews the way I do. Sugar coating a game's flaws is disrespectful to the effort that went into the project. "Your game was great!" is pretty common feedback around here so I go out of my way to describe in detail my exact experience whenever I play a game. It's nice to hear that people like your work, but critical feedback is the only kind that can result in improving future projects. I want the author to know just how annoying their design choices actually are, and there's no more effective way to do so than describe my frustration in extreme detail. Naturally if there's something I really liked about a game I will analyze that as well, but unfortunately I didn't find anything of the sort in this particular project.

It's fine if someone doesn't agree with my review. After all, everyone has different tastes. It does make me a little sad when the creator is unable to find any useful feedback in my work, but I guess some people just don't want to hear negative things about their game. I will say that in the past I have delivered far more vehement reviews with even lower scores and have still been personally thanked by the authors, so I am at least confident that many people do appreciate hearing where they have gone wrong.

In any case, I wish you luck in your future projects.

Iron Gaia: Virus Review

I try to be somewhat entertaining, so works for me :P

RMN Snews - Issue #10

I object to the scope creep. It's not creep if you simply decide to have an enormous scope in the first place!

RM2k3 Battle Quirks

What about the whole "only 1 chipset for the whole game" thing? Isn't that limiting?

(Personally, for me, it wouldn't be. But other people might think so.)

Just to clarify, VX actually lets you 5 chipsets simultaneously (by default the RTP uses 4 of these), and they're quite a bit larger than their rm2k/2k3 counterparts. Since the whole system is designed around using multiple chipsets they're organized a bit differently. For example the first tab is nothing but terrain tiles of everything imaginable, while the second tab contains bushes/trees/shop signs and all manner of other objects that would fit well in many environments.

So despite the fact that the overall number of chipsets is limited you can create a variety of elemental caves, a forest dungeon, the obligatory organic dungeon, and several different town designs all from the same set of chipsets with a whole lot of room left over for other things.

Personally though I use XP (which not only allows chipsets to have limitless size but lets me use as many as I want), but I figured I'd at least clarify that the 'single chipset' thing is infinitely less limiting than it actually sounds and only requires workarounds on large projects that require an extreme variety of locations.

How willing are you to investigate?

Mostly, it depends on how interested I am in the writing. Naturally if I enjoy the story and the characters I will take the extra effort to learn as much as I can about them. If I'm awarded in some way even better, though the game should not require me to search out every last thing (Deus Ex too handled this very well).

Personally I put a lot of effort into this kind of thing. Some of the people who've played my game have examined every last object, while others have just rushed through to plot points. Even though every single player may not fully examine your world as long as your writing is fairly competent it's almost certain at least someone will take the time to explore it. And even if they don't you'll likely find yourself improving the world's design as you begin filling out the details, which will undoubtedly improve the overall writing quality of the game.

The Longing Ribbon Review

Considering it takes roughly 10 seconds to take 20 steps I would call that insanely high, especially in a game that encourages you to walk around and check every bookcase and painting you come across. I'm not exactly sure what point you're trying to make with the Phantasia comparison, though having played it myself I know you are making a gross exaggeration. Just because some game creates an even more annoying encounter system doesn't automatically turn this one to gold.