They told me I was mad when I said I was going to create a spidertable. Who’s laughing now!!!
Hi I do art mostly but also do games.

Please read my comic, Patchwork and Lace. It's about a Lovecraftian Disney Princess dark mage and her superpowered undead partner hunting monsters and being bad at communication.
Yume Wheeky
What do guinea pigs dream about? Probably not this, but just roll with it.



No More Lonely Hearts!

Eeeee! I love this idea!

I'll take Q right


It's been brought to my attention that there's some people on here calling for an outright ban on kentona and his use of soy, but I am here to tell you they are OUT of their MINDS

Of course I'm out of my mind. I'm in a vat tube, forever trapped in this horrible simulation of kentona and his use of soy.

Wouldn't that make you in your mind?

[Poll] Sub Vs. Dub

That said! I do enjoy some of the dubbed OPs a lot. The Pokemon, Sailor Moon and DBZ ones, especially, as I used to rock out to them as a kid and they're just fun.

Hot take: The stupid pirate rap OP of One Piece unironically owns.

It's been brought to my attention that there's some people on here calling for an outright ban on kentona and his use of soy, but I am here to tell you they are OUT of their MINDS

Something something soyboy

[Poll] Sub Vs. Dub

One random thing about subs. Not related to anime since I haven't watched anime in fifteen years. But I've been watching some non-English movies recently. This thing mostly appears in movies from the far east. (Korea, China, Japan. Very non-indo-european languages) When I get my subtitles I find that they are... lacking. Now I do get my subtitles (like my movies) from dubious sources, but I've found similar things in... dubious DVD releases from the same region (read: terrible Hong Kong action dvd transfers).

The subtitles aren't very good are they? Often it seems the subtitle is a couple of words when clearly there was a whole exchange happening. I watched some Jackie Chan movie and also a random Kurosawa and in both there were fairly lengthy exchanges that were very brief in the subtitles sometimes. Now I wonder if this is just because I get my subtitles from dubious sources and they are not great at subtitling. Or if it is maybe a common problem in English-language subtitles.

There are multiple possibilities here, actually!

1) A lot of translations from bootlegs are, in fact, very low-effort, as has been showcased on the internet a couple of times. It's entirely possible you got some horrendously slipshod translations by lazy or inexpert people.

2) Japanese and English are really, really different languages, and sometimes what takes one language just a few syllables to express will take the other a whole sentence or more. Language is really weird that way.

3) Whoever was translating felt that the sense of the scene got across all right without translating the entire exchange. (Which is... probably not the best idea, but it's an option.)

4) Some translations just suck for whatever reason.

It's not really a problem with English translations per se: I'm somewhat knowledgeable in a couple of non-English languages and have watched enough works with English subtitles to know that most of the time they do just fine.* I'd put my money on "you just got hold of some shitty bootlegs," which is very common.

*I could go on a rant about anime's current trend of being overly literal and losing the emotional impact of a scene, but that's not really here nor there.

[Poll] Sub Vs. Dub

Whatever the individual likes the most. There is no need to get all factional about it.

That said, I go for subs nearly all the time because it's harder to tell when the acting is bad. (It is usually bad.)

2021 Misaos - Thoughts, Ideas, Plans

Y'all need to simmer down.

2021 Misaos - Thoughts, Ideas, Plans

But mostly it's because there are a lot of us who just don't have the prowess to use things like the RTP and make it look decent. Those of us that just can't afford to get our hands on custom assets. Hiring even mappers is expensive and they are always busy with their own and other projects. Perhaps even we've got a knack for taking the lore of a game and giving an awesome twist on it as opposed to creating our unique stories.

I hate to say it, but not every dev is as creative where they need to be as a hobby like this requires.

I think it's less "You have to be this creative to ride" and more "Companies are increasingly litigious and RMN can barely afford to keep paying for its servers, much less have an actual legal battle."

Drinking the soy right now, absorbing the soy right now.