Conquest is made from the ashes of one's enemies.



PS3 vs 360

This argument is petty. Let us refocus on energies on debating the merits of rm2k/3 vs. rmxp/vx.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Best Engine to Make a Strategy RPG

Oh man, I think I still have some of those old tutorials you did way back when in the days of Christ I made a world map tutorial because making one is completely unintuitive (and looking at it now, there's a bug that caused characters to get duplicated).

I vaguely recall that website. Man, is that ancient history. I was actually looking at some scraps of it the other day in the Wayback Archive.

A Psychological Inquiry - The difference between submission and selflessness

in the u.s. tips are treated as wages at tax time i think.

This is true, but the reality is there is not really a good way to account for customer tips unless they are distributed by the employer. As such, many tips go unclaimed and cannot be verified.

A Psychological Inquiry - The difference between submission and selflessness

You're missing my point. Many Americans balk at the fact that in many European countries, tax is included in the list price because they think they're somehow paying more than if tax was just added on at the end. It's the same way with tipping.

Eh, I would agree with the "tipping" being unfair and just a way for restaurant owners to pay-sub minimum wages to their employees. It's a bad system, and some states even allow restaurants to be exempted from laws mandating breaks. That said, it's kind of a mixed bag -- I know some people who clean up tip wise.

However, I disagree on the idea that Americans don't include tax in the list price for products to make them look "cheaper". The rational is that you get a line item on your receipt that shows you how much of your total purchase went to taxes. This is especially notable because in some cases there are multiple taxing bodies (state, county, city, etc.) and the tax line is broken down by how much went to each jurisdiction. It's not an essential item, but I prefer having this knowledge to not having it.

Happy 'America'…something, Independence Day...Whatever! :D

Do not fret Canadians. One day you will be able to celebrate your independence day, when the Queen allows it.

Happy 'America'…something, Independence Day...Whatever! :D

I have no idea, F-G. They're US citizens too so, shrug. Never really been exposed to navtive American societies outside of casinos.

After living on the White Earth Nation reservation for approximately one year I can confirm that particular tribe celebrates it by drinking a ton of beer and playing with illegal fireworks. Way to sock it to the man.