WHOA wow wow. two tails? that is a sexy idea...
dilly dally shilly shally



Legendary Legend Review

author=Feldschlacht IV
author=Abdel McCrack
So why don't you guys start featuring interesting looking games instead of "holy christ the balance is perfect!!!" or rtp comedy games?

I don't know, feature something special, as it stands, new people will just come on this site, see the featured game and think "wow, what a bunch of amateurs" then leave.
yes yes yes. 99% of the traffic, from what I hear, comes through the site and never touches the forums. that means there is an immense number of people for whom the featured game is the one and only impression of the site they ever get. that big screenshot and synopsis front and center on the main page should be of vital importance to the site's health. the game up there needs to be a representation of the finest quality rmn is capable of. (ended sentence with preposition!) it should not be changed lightly i m o.
hey listen to this guy.

whos going to listen, dude? ciel fires like, a million ideas that are worth checking into and whoever is in charge just goes(???) "herp derp"

Legendary Legend Review

i don't think you should rag on this dude for wanting to expand his creativity through rpgmaker. it shouldn't have been hosted on the front page, but, i still respect that he just took his project in a different direction(rpgmaker).

*puts videogame on cross because staff members can't find a decent game that takes several seconds*

Space Funeral Review

So, besides the thanfully unbalanced battles, my main complaints about this game would be... maps not having clear way outs, excessive amount of unnecessary NPCs in some areas (especially the town of Malice), and maybe a lack of better story direction... randomness WAS good, but maybe just a bit too much. My opinion.
Okay, you can enjoy the scribbly graphics (they do, I admit, have some charm), and atmosphere is of course important... but how can you justify 4.5/5 stars for an RPG with a shitty main RPG mechanic (battles) and shitty ease-of-use ("clear way outs")?

It's perfectly fine that you enjoy the game, but how the hell is this is TOP-NOTCH, BETTER THAN ANYTHING ELSE game when it's not even balanced or set up well? That's just a "fuck you" to games that might not be involved with as many drugs but still work on being decent games.

Oh right, you made that hard-to-navigate and for-the-shits-and-giggles torture game. Sorry, I forgot.

please add more "buffs and debuffs" to this post.

Spike Lee's The Twilight Zone Review

blindminds personal favorite mini game is "beloved raptors"

Carlsev Saga: Episode I Review

i like how all 4 or so other reviews give it like, a 4+ but this is a 2. another good job sol, you obviously know what you're talking about.

~RaZor~ Review

dude, i liked it too. thought it was p good. entertaining.

Grace's Diary Review

woah, this looks incredible. i cannot believe i have not came across this on rmn. i will have to try this, it looks very interesting. you cannot deny that hima has a pretty creative imagination when it comes to his games. something new every time. really impressive.

A Home Far Away Review

why didn't you say that in the first place? a review from some random rmn user shouldn't prevent anyone from trying a game. it shouldn't even have any influence. when people write reviews on here it's pretty much just easily disregarded text, because it's the opinion of one person, you can't disregard the 800+ downloads, there obviously must be something to it!

i don't mean specifically you, i mean in general. reviews should just be used to give a heads up of what to expect. i played razor, even if sol gave it like a 1, because he obviously doesn't find indie games entertaining and he has this weird fucking elitist idea of what amateur rpg maker games should be like (chrono trigger-final fantasy-etc) i find sol's reviews pretty detailed(lol rmebert), but mostly fucking stupid at the same time, because ultimately it's just amateur stuff and you really, really need to ease up on that and not look at it as anything beyond that. most people aren't writers, most people aren't spriters, not all of us have a BA in creative writing.

i don't think a home far away is bad, i don't think it's great either. it's entertaining and pretty average at best. i even think a lot of legions games have redeeming qualities to them. like, dude if the story is average and the game isn't riddled with bugs, then yeah, it should just be A DECENT GAME, and by that standard most of the rm games i've played are decent, they aren't amazing, but most of them aren't god awful. i think that is the difference between the RMXP VX people and the old school crew, they just have these ridiculous standard of what is good or what's to be expected from an "amateur game designer".

like, i wish people would ease up on this shit in general.

tl;dr= take reviews with a grain of salt.

A Home Far Away Review

"Amateur pretentious game critic and even more amateur pretentious game developer."

A Home Far Away Review