I'm a french computer science and matematics student, and I love to create video games when I have time to spare. I'm interested in all parts of game making, and particulary in game programing. I also do many graphics, but it's not my favorite part.
RPG Paper Maker
A 3D game editor based on a 3D universe with 2D sprites and 3D objects.




I'm taking notes of your comments. ~

Update #9: Title Screen & Demo Information

Why are you using Sticker star music (I hate its soundtracks). :'(
The TTYD loading screen music is really nice and epic, I think it would be better for yours.

Great work as always !

RPG Paper Maker

Thanks ! :3

will there be key input processing? Could someone make a legend of zelda like game in this engine?

Yep, you can assign your key inputs for the game, and even create your own commands (it only allows you to use it on your event commands). For Zelda, yep it could be, but for now I don't plan to code it. You'll have to fiddle with scripts and events, such as RPG Maker.


You make me laugh each time you are posting. xD

Thank you !

Update 7 : Window choices, map optimizations, and tutorials

Thank you ! Yeah that's a normal thing for open world games I guess ! But I'm a little septic for my colors pointer, I don't know any other way to know where my mouse is checking.

Update 5 : languages, title screen, and I NEED YOUR OPINION !

Something like a list with each window part (each corner, each border and the background). And for each part, you can assign them a source rectangle (starting X/Y point in the graphic, and width/height).
Then the option for borders to either tile or stretch.
And finally the option to use mirrored corners. I mean, as in your game, if someone has a symmetrical window then you can specify the top-left corner to be the same as the top-right. Or even make them all look the same! (and the borders too).

I just made a plan for window skins today and you pratically told all the stuff I was thinking about ! I'm really comforted to see that I was not alone to think about that kind of system instead of an automatic image ! I will show you more at the next blog. ;)

Info : Teaser #1, worries about greenlight, copyrights...

Rpg Maker 2.5D or Rpg Maker Engine 2.5D

Clearly not, there are "RPG Maker" on these names. xD

Gourd_Clae > 95% told me that it was too early to start something. I will wait until I have events and CBS done. ;)

Info : Teaser #1, worries about greenlight, copyrights...

Yeah I thought about RPG Paper Engine too, but the problem is that I already save a domain containing rpg paper maker for my website. However I have a 1-year contract and I could move the website to another domain after it.

Any other ideas about a new name ? I like "RPG Paper Engine", but maybe you have a better a idea. :P

Update 5 : languages, title screen, and I NEED YOUR OPINION !

Now if you want dialogue to be easier word wrapping and being able to preview the actual font size/font in a text preview box.

Yep we definitely need a real time preview box. Maybe writting directly on the preview box with options buttons on top ?

I just was wondering, we will be able to customize our menu? I mean, after set up all the command as default, can we create our sub menus after? (for example speaking about credits, or another future stuff in the game like bestiarium, documents, etc)

Not predicted for the first version. I want to be sure to end this engine first, for this I have to put some limits on extra options. Anyway, I will put some updates after it. But I think it's really hard to easily customize that kind of sub-menu in the engine (too much personal), better do this with scripts.

Do you have any stimated release date? :P

Summer 2016 ! Ready for it. :)

Update 4 : website incoming, demo contains, and stats beginning

Yep, it could be displaying in map properties and set in command event.