No tears for the creatures of the night, bitch PLEASE. - TuxedoMane

I'm Nurvuss and I like making music and games and writing stuff. Sometimes it seems that I never have enough time to do any of these things. Let's be pals!
JB Hairboll in Murder Fl...
When a frog turns up cold in Flirty Bird Park, the fuzz can only call one cat for help...



[RMVX ACE] A game where the main character isn't playable

Paradise Blue does this, right? Please correct me if I'm wrong, because I haven't completed it yet. But I got the impression that the player took control of a group of mercenaries who were working for the main characters?

Sooo... GamerGate

maaaaaan don't misquote me in that stuff

THE PROBLEM IS gamergate is choosing to focus primarily on Zoe Quinn and the supposed corruption surrounding her free game. Free.

I don't recall seeing any gamergate-esque movements mobilizing in response to the Kane & Lynch Gamespot review controversy that led to Jeff Gerstmann and Co's exodus to form Giantbomb.

I also don't recall seeing any similar movements up-in-arms over the 2012 Doritos/Free PS3s mess that key industry journos were complicit in.

Perhaps most relevant of all, I ask why Gamergate continued to focus on Quinn when it was revealed that Warner Brothers had set up a skeezy branding deal for Shadow of Mordor with popular YouTube let's players?

To quote Lester Freamon, FOLLOW THE MONEY. This is where the real corruption is. With the AAA titles and the major players and corporate entities behind them. Not with the girl working solo on a free twine game about dealing with one's mental health.

Sooo... GamerGate


noun /ˈfem.ɪ.nɪ.zəm/
1. The belief that women should be allowed the same rights, power, and opportunities as men and be treated in the same way, or the set of activities intended to achieve this state.

Solitayre, you're a stone-cold G. Hats off to ya. You too, Liberty, Kentona and Nessiah.

And that's about all the polite conversation I can muster at the moment.

Sooo... GamerGate

3DS emulator??

LPing legally owned, flash-copied and emulated 3DS games, right? ;););)

Fan Games: Welcome or Frowned Upon?

I guess making a fangame is a good way to find your feet. It's much easier to devise your own twist on an existing story than come up with something wholly your own.

But it's important to have the technical skills to do the existing work justice. I'm not saying you need to re-create their systems and trademarks 1:1, but you can't just half-ass it.

For every Final Fantasy Blackmoon Prophecy, there's a Persona: Inescapable Fate. It's important to remember that.

I do feel the same as Max, though. In my opinion the best outcome is if the creation of an initial fangame functions as a springboard for creative growth. :) Best of all is if you take inspiration (as much or as little as you'd like) and create an original work. Lone Survivor is a game that wears its influences on its sleeve but still manages to be a deeply interesting and enthralling work.

Sooo... GamerGate

#notallgamers , right?

But it should be noted that Zoe Quinn as a human being is basically the raddest person ever... the wrongest statement made in the HISTORY of EVER. She really, really, really,really, really,really, really, really, really, really, really, really ISN'T. Some, such as myself, might argue that her jilted and cuckolded ex is obviously a biased source, but it's the unedited chat logs that paint her in a far worse light than any of his words.
I have zero doubt, absolutely none whatsoever, that anyone who knew either you or myself sufficiently well could paint a 100% factual portrayal that could make either of us look like the most disgusting, hideously vile creature that has ever walked the earth. Everyone has done things that could be considered hideously wrong or bad without mitigating circumstances. There's probably very few people who couldn't be made to look awful if presented in the right light.

This shouldn't be viewed as an explicit denial of any of the things said about Quinn because there's no way in hell I'm actually reading that.

Not to mention uh, her personal life has absolutely nothing to do with her creative output. None of our business, not a valid argument.

If it was the other way around--if Zoe Quinn was a man, whose spurned ex-girlfriend wrote a blog post shaming him--I'm 100% certain she'd be called a crazy bitch and receive hundreds of death threats.

HD Xenosaga

What Videogames Are You Playing Right Now?

If only they hadn't region locked their most useful console. :/

(Yes, I am still sore about Rune Factory 4. No, I don't think I'll ever not be sore about Rune Factory 4.)

It's not as good as a physical release, but did you know it's getting a digital release for PAL regions shortly? (Is Australia PAL?)

(In Need) Game Ideas for a First Project

An RPG that tells the origin story of Dig Dug. His upbringing, who taught him to dig, what caused his inflation fetish fixation.