a 2.5d explorer/horror game about NEURAL-9, a memory disease that spreads via eye contact




That derpy RTP dude hanging out jussst on the edge of the scrollbar frame made me laugh. But seriously though, RM2K3 runs at 1/4 of this resolution, why the huge screenshot?

What are you thinking about right now?

I'm thinking about how evil a language Java is.

You haven't seen evil languages if you think Java's insidious...


EDIT: Why do I double post every single time now...


The reasons I use Photoshop over MS Paint these days are A) drawing guides, B) layers, C) it displays coordinates and selection size in number of pixels, D) ability to rotate areas. In that order of importance. I cannot function without drawing guides. I need a line every 48 pixels to show me where I can't draw past. In MS Paint it is practically impossible to figure out if you've gone outside of your arbitrary 48x48 pixel space, you have to just keep importing it into RPG Maker and testing it every time you draw another piece of the image. That makes it utterly unusable, unless I'm unaware of some feature? (Am I? Would be nice to know about)

Usually you use a template to create the graphics and then once it's complete, erase the guides to import into RM. It's something like this:

Oh, and Paint does display the selection size in pixels. No clue how any could deal without that. Well, maybe Win7 paint doesn't. Win7 paint makes me angry. Paint needed layers and indexing, and instead we got... a ribbon.

What are you thinking about right now?

10 Points to Hufflepuff!


Did you say...

No-Star Reviews: I did, and you can too!

EDIT: double post ugh

No-Star Reviews: I did, and you can too!

Information: The next three games I'm seeing via this filter are, in the order that I'm finding them in:
Games Journo Story
Shana of the Ghosts
A Long Time Ago

Haha, the first one's a parody, second one's a 404, and the last one's in Spanish.

Well, actually A Long Time Ago looks good enough that I'll probably give it a try. My Spanish isn't great but it should suffice for an RPG.

What's an easy way to hide parts of your map?

You could try an insta-teleport. Basically you change the teleport transitions to no-erase/instant-show so the player doesn't notice the transition. Then you teleport to a duplicate map with the room open. You might be to get some neat transitions by using mosaic instead of instant-show, actually. Otherwise, I think the picture method is best. Just use one big black picture for all your rooms; no need to make a separate one that exactly matches each room.


...I can read it fine

It's not like you can actually change how text looks in RM2K3 anyway

Maybe it's just me; I have weird colorblindness issues from time to time. But the easy solution to the problem is to not set the message window to transparent.


Do you expect anyone to be able to read this?