a 2.5d explorer/horror game about NEURAL-9, a memory disease that spreads via eye contact



Gimme Boss Gimmicks

I must say I don't like transforming bosses that do so for no apparent reason. I mean, it's fine if it's part of the actual plot, but it seems every "ultimate" boss these days has some revival/multiple-part-fight property... I just don't think it's that interesting to warrant reuse. Though it may be interesting if the progress of the battle influences the transformation, in the sense that the boss morphs into a physical creature if MP is low, etc...


The problem with move events is that the "move towards hero" command will move the event no matter if the event is already adjacent to the hero. (Actually, never mind, you can use Face Hero then Step Forward. Easy)

Discuss: Elements

I figured it was worth trying the Greek elemental thing, where two attributes go together to form an elements. Therefore, stats can be used to form the elements of a character.
Power + Speed = Lightning
Speed + Skill = Sky
Skill + Mana = Dark
Mana + Resistance = Light
Resistance + Endurance = Earth
Endurance + Power = Fire
Depending on what element a hero is, they level up those two stats primarily. It makes an element have some bearing other than attack disadvantages/advantages. Those can be arranged in a circle as well, a ring like:
Power - Lightning - Speed - Sky - Skill - Dark - Mana - Light - Resistance - Earth - Endurance - Fire - Power

Gimme Boss Gimmicks

I've always liked this one I came up with for one of my old projects, it's a basic escape battle, but with enemies linked to heroes. It's a way to make a challenging fight against a stronger (invincible) enemy that you must run away from without making the fight very easy. Normally a boss would just either kill the player or the player would press "escape" and the battle would end.

In this encounter, there would be the same amount of enemies as heroes in the party. The boss character would be invincible. Each of the other minions would behave normally. After three rounds or so, each individual character in the party runs away, with the dialogue like, "This enemy is tailing me! I'll distract him from the group by running away! See you at town!" Of course not exactly like that, but you get the point. After this speech, a switch is triggered, causing the behavior of the enemy the hero spoke of to run that turn. This would happen for each minion/hero set, except the protagonist. The protagonist then must survive a few turns on their own against the boss.

This may seem simple, the strategy being just defend all the time, but the real meat comes with when a hero or enemy dies. If a minion is killed before they can be led off by a fleeing hero, then the hero that would normally leave the party that turn can stay, and help the protagonist survive against the boss. However, if a hero dies before they can lead off an enemy, then that enemy stays to help the boss against the protagonist. The player now can use offense in an attempt to defend the protagonist. It works quite well.

This make sense to anyone? I'll post more later if I remember any I've used.