

I've realized my characters are starting to become more complex.

"Hey Phil, I would grab that pizza. Hey, write me to grab that pizza. Hellooooooo?"

my name is not phil

I've realized my characters are starting to become more complex.

Like for example the main character being an optimistic teenage boy. That's all they have. So they'd be a simple character with no other notable personality traits.

A more complex character would change their emotions and things like that based on what goes on around them. They would naturally change based on previous experiences. Character development, as it were.

Dragon Fin Soup - Tactical Roguelike RPG

It's so HD it's retro!

Dungeons & Drag-Queens: Caped Cosplay!

I say we get out of here before we deal with more of these losers.

It's totally my fault. My schemes are just that overpowered.

I hope you have a moving castle to use for your evil schemes.

What are you thinking about right now?

A single picture I believe

Downloads Bewteen Your Demo and the Finished Version?

I tend to just update my demos because I miss a lot of stuff.

What are you thinking about right now?

learning to speedrun Aria of Sorrow.

It's all Kentona's fault.

Final Fantasy Blackmoon Prophecy II

It's an RPG. Just add time travel.