Creator of Ara Fell, Rise of the Third Power, and a lot of failed projects.
Ara Fell
A 16-bit era, Japanese-style roleplaying game set in a magical world floating above the clouds.




I probably will do that, but they'll be in the description on the right. This is mostly a screen real estate problem I think... and plus, I've always found it obnoxious in games when I have to learn new terms for basic items.

So I think what it'll ultimately say is something like... "Jogi Berries" and then a brief description of like... where they're grown and in what climate or something. But you can tell immediately from the item menu what it does.

I could also try to go with a smaller font, but I'm reluctant to do that.


We'll have to see. This will be expensive and we'll need to secure funding to do it. This will actually be on our kickstarter, with a "here's what we can do..." picture of a more traditional battle system, then this beside it with a "but this is what we WANT to do..."

If we can get the money for it, this is very doable. I think. Probably.

... Yeah, probably.


It is! She and Caladium (Ara Fell's artist) collaborated on this. Zed did the base and Caladium polished it up and added detail.


Nope! The artist who worked on the custom assets for Ara Fell did. These are made from scratch.


"relaxing" isn't really Lita's thing.


We didn't encrypt anything, so you'll have access to it!


The background for this one doesn't move. There are some that do, but we can't move just the clouds and not the ground below in this one.


I hear you. Been looking at these tiles so long, I didn't even notice how funny it looked. I'm changing it now.


There we go. Not sure if I'm going to keep those gray spires or not. I was thinking a white or gold color would be nice. Regardless, it does fix the problem, I think.


The old Blood Forest used that (now infamous) lightbeam, plus a shadow overlay that followed you around. Now, all forests use fixed shadows. Each set is designed for each map so that the shadows won't ever show over where you can see the Abyss below.


I told our artist, Caladium, to cute it up in a way that a cheerful 16 year old girl might draw it, so rainbows and smiley face suns is what we ended up with. I thought it'd be cute if there were Lita's notes scribbled on it too, but the resolution is just too low for that.
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