

What Videogames Are You Playing Right Now?

I just gave myself carpal tunnel trying to dogfight in Oolite with a keyboard.

Making games? What motivates you?

I'm interested as games as an art form. Taking my limited resources, and making something cool. Or, at least something I think is cool. Simple, old-fashioned RPGs. The games that made me happy as a kid, the kind I would look forward to playing on friday nights.

Games with map/level editors

Heroes of Might and Magic 3 has a great map editor. It inspired me to develop a basic map editor in my strategy game MinST and I even reuse it's passability display convention in Lya's debug display.

More than one person has mentioned that, and it's on sale for $3.39 on GOG right now so I guess I'll have to pick it up.

I remember Neverwinter Nights' editor but never really got into it. The game itself turned me off so much that I adamantly refused to play 3rd Edition D&D until 2008, and I still regret buying those damned rulebooks...

The one that takes the cake for me so far is still ARMA 3. It's like having a bunch of little green army men, with terrain and vehicles only they actually move and shoot each other.

Games with map/level editors

There's this game on Steam that I love called "The Quest" (original name, I know) that basically plays like a turn-based Daggerfall. They've got a level editor, and folks have been making their own DLC for it as well. Pretty fun base game and official post-game DLC adventure, too.

That sounds awesome! I'm surprised Matt Barton hasn't covered that one.

Also, I forgot that Stranded Deep has an editor. I think you can only make a single island, which is a bummer.

What are you thinking about? (game development edition)

Total creative block.

Screw this, playing Oolite.

PS1 Classic, anyone?

I believe the phrase rhymes with "Clucking Bell."

Small update

Good luck!

Missing Generic RPGS?

I've lately been in a state where I've been really missing those old rpg games where you just kill slimes, kill the dragon king, and save princesses as a hero? Y'know, the really generic ones? A lot of current fantasy rpgs try too hard to be original and I'm sort of missing those old tropey games :/

Anyone feel the same? Or are there any games that are still very trope-y you can recommend?

There's Artifact Adventure on Steam, but that has a bit of a twist. There's several different endings depending on what you do. If you've got a PS2, you can probably get Metal Saga fairly cheap, which is something like the old school games in that there's not a huge story and the whole thing's about killing monsters.

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Now THAT'S a battle system. Bravo.