Self-proclaimed Puzzle Snob
About Me

I've made puzzle games.
I want to make other games now.

Past Avatars
colour event-14/06/17:
7/09/16-colour event:
Account Mu
It's a puzzle game.


Kanye Quest 3030 Secrets Revealed

What the heck is this...

Apparently the game is an elaborate recruiting tool for a new age cult...

Also, prepare for the incoming wave of Kanye Quest 3030 downloads to test this out. I can see it's already in the buzzing section.

Using common events to make life easier

This mini tutorial, which I did not deem substantial enough for a full article, is aimed at intermediate to expert developers. It is particularly aimed at gameplay-intensive games such as puzzle games, but can be extended to any genre of game made within the RPG Maker engine and perhaps beyond, if you replace the word "common event" with "function".

You can use common events to make game development more quick, efficient and easy when you want to be able to alter the shared functionality of a set of events. Here are some ideas for using common events.


1. Player transfers, or teleports. By storing these in common events you can alter default Fade type, SE and other specifics of transfers for all move-related events. Just use the "Designation with variables" option in the "Transfer Player" command and call this common event after assigning Map ID, Map X and Map Y variables. If "Direct designation" is preferred, just standardize the Move SE using a common event, as well as before/after transitions, stated in point 2.
2. Before/after transitions. Use these to standardize fade outs/fade ins before/after the teleport events. What I recommend is a "Tint Screen" to black, and use "Transfer Player" with "None" Fade, followed by a "Tint Screen" to normal colour.
3. Puzzle items such as crates or boulders. This is more the case with puzzle games, but I believe it makes life easier for any game. To standardize the behaviour of objects in your universe, assign a common event that defines that behaviour. For example, if a boulder will roll until it hits a wall, and then makes a sound at the end, create this functionality in a Common Event and duplicate it for all boulders, so that if a new puzzle mechanic comes up that requires you to modify the boulders' behaviour, you don't have to go through every single boulder and copy-paste the relevant code. This improves modularity and the ability to modify all boulder code using one event. This hopefully will speed up game development, and make it more robust and understandable.
4. Save points, victory/flee/defeat conditions in scripted battles. You can standardize save points, and what happens if you win/flee/lose scripted battles.
5. Reset map. Again, mostly useful for puzzle games. Create a common event that teleports you to another map and brings you back to the origin spot, possibly resetting self switches in the process, if required. The script I use to reset all self switches in a map is as follows:

class Game_Interpreter

def reset_self()
50.times {|event_id| $game_self_switches[[@map_id, event_id, "D"]] = false }
50.times {|event_id| $game_self_switches[[@map_id, event_id, "C"]] = false }
50.times {|event_id| $game_self_switches[[@map_id, event_id, "B"]] = false }
50.times {|event_id| $game_self_switches[[@map_id, event_id, "A"]] = false }


This allows you to call "reset_self()" in a "Script" event command to reset all self switches on a map.

And now I'm going to give you another weird tip.


Use an "@" sign before a variable name to declare it private to an event. For example, in an event you may assign name, age and gender to an NPC, as follows:

In the first Conditional Branch, the script check "@init.nil?" checks if the private variable "@init" exists. If it does, it initializes "@name" as "John", "@age" as 16, "@gender" as "M", and "@init" as true, which is to indicate that initialization has occurred. This is so that the next time you interact with this event, it won't reset the age back to 16.

The next Conditional Branch checks if you are 18 or older. It uses the script "@age >= 18", which means "is the private variable "age" greater than or equal to 18?". If that is true, it displays a message saying you're an adult. Else, it displays a message saying you are not an adult yet.

Next, it asks if you would like to age one year, and then if you say yes, it will increment the "@age" variable by 1.

If you interact with the event 3 times and say "yes" the first 2 times, it will tell you that you're an adult. This is because the "@age" variable would have been incremented by 1 twice, leading it to equal 18, which satisfies the conditional branch "@age >= 18".

The advantage of using private variables over public variables is that you can literally copy-paste this event multiple times, and not have to change a thing. If you used public variables and tried to copy-paste this event severally, these events would share the same public variable, and you'd have to change every single one of them. But when you use private variables, there is no need to modify each event.

You can combine this with the advice I gave above by storing the event code for a "Teenage Boy" type of event in a Common Event. This standardizes the behaviour for "Teenage Boy" and makes it easily modifiable. Thus you can copy "Teenage Boy" wherever you like and he'll work.

Note that this is more useful for objects that do not exhibit unique behaviour, like crates or boulders or save points.

There's a very important confession I have to make

Hello RMN,

There's a very important confession I have to make. Some of you will be more affected by this than others, though I hope that you will not be too offended by this and in fact I think most of you will be merely surprised. Although there may be a few exceptions. I have PM'd the moderation team regarding this matter previously, and we have sorted various things out, but the basis of it is that I broke the rules. CashmereCat is not my first account I have created. In fact, I have created three since I joined this site.

The accounts have been: thatbennyguy, CashmereCat and Loser.

I did not create these accounts for the intention of cross-promoting in any way, or tampering with any results. I merely adopted the name CashmereCat when I wished to move away from some aspects of the account thatbennyguy, and perhaps even some obligations. I regret to say that one of the reasons was that I was in a couple of team projects and I over-committed, and I wanted to be able to create something else without them knowing because I was becoming quite depressed. Eventually I told the team what happened and they were understanding. I do not remember exactly why I created the "Loser" account, but I proceeded to write reviews on that also, perhaps to a lesser extent.

This does not mean I do not acknowledge that my breach of the site's rules was wrong. The creation of multiple accounts on this site is still forbidden. I confessed to the moderation team my offense, wishing to own all punishment that that requires. I still await response from the forums, where the same thing has occurred, except only with 2 accounts over there.

In short, the moderation team was very graceful enough to let me continue being a part of the community, to which I am very grateful. They say that I may continue to use the site as long as I stay restricted to the one account, which they let me choose, and I chose this account obviously - CashmereCat. I have made the most friends using this account, as I'm sure a lot of you know.

The other two - thatbennyguy and Loser - will be permabanned, and their submissions denied. As for the games and reviews and articles associated with thatbennyguy and Loser (there are actually quite a few), the moderation team gave me the choice to resubmit all reviews, games and articles as CashmereCat, which may explain a huge influx of reviews that are about to be approved. These are all old reviews, and the only thing that is lost is the comments appended to these reviews, of which I hope nobody is too affected by.

I apologize for the inconvenience that my actions may have caused, but I promise never to do it again, and I'd like to also confirm that every single person I have befriended on any of my accounts is still a friend in my eyes, just as completely.

I love this community and its individual members very much, and I thank you for the very constructive words you've said to me over the past. Hopefully this confession will only bring good instead of bad, and I promise that I will be pretty much nearly completely honest with you from now on. Maybe at least 50% of the time. :)

Yours truly,

What are some really funny RPG Maker games?

I feel like playing some RPG Maker games with really good comedy in them. Like, laugh-per-minute funny, whether it be witty, or with lovable characters, just funny all-round. I really liked Razed are the Powerful, with all its tongue-in-cheek references and witty wordplay. Quest Twilight Prince Prophecy Chronicles had hilarious voice-over, but it was so short! I wish it was longer. I found Cap_H's A Man Called Dungeon hilarious, I assume it was intentional. (I hope Cap makes more comedy games).

So yeah, I'm looking for funny games, and I'm wondering if you guys have any.

The Rise of the Complete Heal after Every Battle Game

Hey guys

I'm not sure what it's called, but I've been witnessing a rise of the "complete heal after every battle" style of game. You can see it in Wine & Roses, World Remade, The Heart Pumps Clay and Born Under the Rain, as well as probably many others that I haven't played or haven't recalled in this list. What characterizes this game is usually standing encounters, complete heal of party after win/loss/escape, and no game over condition.

From what I've seen the model creates an experience where you take battle by battle strategically. There is little to no consequence when you lose a battle, because it just heals your party and does not bring up a game over screen. It does not require healing items outside of battle, and thus there is little to no resource management required. This is good for some, because sometimes resource management can cause certain people stress. For others, it's a thrill that's missed in these kind of games. Other characteristics of this model are the greater possibility of controlled non-linearity, the treatment of battles as being more like puzzles than linear grinding material, and the more swift and efficient trial-and-error process of trying different equipment combos.

My question is - what do you think of these games? What are your theories surrounding these games in the future? Is it a good model to follow? Do you like games like this? Do you hate 'em? Why? It'd be nice to hear some opinions.

Suggestion: The ability to follow certain users

How should we judge games?

I was thinking about how we judge games and I think its important to know why you enjoy games. Is it the graphics? Gameplay? Story? But not all games have a story and yet they can be good so is story needed? I came up with a few categories to help myself define what I look for in a good game. Here goes.

Graphics - generally one of the biggest things that makes a game better is a pleasing aesthetic, or beauty. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so it is subjective, but I find that people actually agree quite a lot on what is beautiful and what isn't. Good graphics can sometimes make an otherwise terrible game seem OK, and an average game seem good. Likewise, average graphics can make a decent game seem worse than it is.
Audio - not just song selection, but good sound mixing can create a nice atmosphere. This is very similar to "graphics" in that it's an aesthetic choice but I'd argue that music is more subjective than art. People have way more specific music tastes than graphical tastes, in general.
Gameplay - by this I mean the mechanics that the game uses. Are they entertaining? This is a really wide topic.
pacing/presentation value/polish/professionalism - this usually comes about when you realize how much TLC the Dev has used in making this game. The devil is in the details, they say.
Story/characters - Not all games have this, but how good is the story, how relatable are the characters, or how interesting they are. Skill in writing and telling a story are measured here.
X Factor/originality/innovation - I think this category is important and underrated because innovation is the heart of creativity and new, fresh ideas are always needed otherwise life gets boring.

I was also wondering what percentage weighting I'd put on each category. Every game is different, but generally I would judge like: Graphics 15%, Audio 7.5%, Gameplay 25%, Presentation 25%, Story 12.5%, X Factor 15%.

These would vary with the type of game, but those are generally the averages. I'd imagine this is different for each person.

What do you think is important when judging a game? What would you consider your rubric and why?

I need ideas on how to structure a non-linear puzzle game

Hey everyone. I'm making a puzzle game called Account Mu, and it's a really minimalist piece with a lot of deterministic puzzles contained in a non-linear format. However, I'm really looking to push the idea that these puzzles can be attempted in any order. Do you guys have any past experience with puzzle games that have done this well? I have played lots of non-linear RPGs (roguelikes mostly) but I want to know if there are good puzzle games that have done the whole non-linear thing well and how they did it, and how I can apply that to my game possibly.

One of my inspirations is Wine & Roses, not because of the combat, but because you could attempt the battles in relatively any order, improve your skills, and finish the final boss by the end. But the thing that stopped you from just going straight to the final boss in Wine & Roses is that she was way too strong for you to finish off right away, and you had to train on the little guys first before you could beat her.

I'm wondering if I could teach a little puzzle mechanic one at a time, so that the person can come back to the final puzzle and defeat it, only after having learned certain skills. I want your ideas though.


How do you get to similar games?

Hey guys

Just wondering how do you get to the "similar games" playlist for a game? I just want to be able to explore games that are similar to the game that my page is on.

If there's no such thing (I think there's one for playlists but i can only add it to my playlist once) then there should be one imo. But yeah, I think it'd make games really easy to navigate.


I feel like asking questions about YOUUUU

I just feel like asking questions coz I want to hear people's opinions about everything and anything. They'll be random questions, with no order to them. They'll also probably be horribly written or asked. But the main thing is I want to know more about YOUUUUUUUUUU from the deep down insidey place. Let's go!

Do you finish most games you start? Or do you get bored quickly?

Describe your wallet to me. What material is it made out of? How long have you had it for? Does it hold significance to you?

What is your stance towards fizzy drinks? Do you think they are sugary diabetes?

What is your idea of the perfect RPG Maker game? One that will utterly demolish all the other RPG Maker games and be heralded as the best of all time? How will you make it?

What is your goal in life?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Job-wise, health-wise, family-wise?

What would you do with $1 million?

Do you sometimes recognize the taste of your own mouth? Literally, can you taste the taste of your mouth right now?

Do you hate how often time goes past? Or do you like it?

Do you like pretending to be someone else online? Or do you just try to be yourself?

Do you want to spill one of your deepest, darkest IRL secrets? I'll try not to judge you. But others will. Just kidding, I'll judge you.

Do you sometimes feel like you're special, and then you realize that you're not? How does this make you feel?

That's all I got for now. I might ask more soon. VERY interested to hear what you guys have to say. I want to hear more about YOUUUUUU