

Let's Play, Lunar Wish III
Basically, you're turning the files into jpegs, and removing the black borders with rpg maker's import system. This tutorial works wonders for me, but no one ever commented, saying that it was useful. So I don't know if this will help or not.

What are you jamming to?

I like that song. Jessies been making some interesting music~

Good song, good artwork.


The tint is very pleasant, but I'm not a huge fan of the mouse icon in the middle of the map like that.


Grats on the PotM. I love the artwork, and the mapping is nifty.


Two of the same image?


I like this. Are you using that battle system which takes place on the main map?

Let's Play, Lunar Wish III

Thank you for your advice~
(Also, I think there's a gap missing between the LP of videos 9 and 10)
Oh crap. I remember getting some type of error while editing the videos. I didn't know it was that bad.
Welp, there weren't any important things that happen in those 15 or so minutes lost to the ether. Sorry bout that. ;_;

What do you like in a turn based battle system?

I've been playing a lot of fun RM games of late. Unfortunately, a lot of them rely on several key strategies that the player can pick up on almost half way through the project. I would like to see subtle changes to the battle system, and how I go about defeating my enemies, throughout the entire project. Be this with bosses that have minor gimmicks, or new characters with small, yet different skill sets.

tl;dr Keeping the game fresh without too many new, alienating features.


I would upload one to three screens every day at most. Not many people will look through all those notices at once~
Not too sure what's going on in this room, or what you're going for. But it's pretty empty.

Wraith Review

Good review.
I would give you a bonus point if I could.